

As someone who lost family in Katrina, this lady can fuck herself. She’s just another out of touch white woman who laments the fact that poors and browns have the audacity to run shoulders with her.

THE FUCK?!? The population growth since Katrina is disproportionately white. The city has actually had a net loss of black residents, most of whom could not afford to come back and rebuild (or as she says, “reset.”) Because of what house stock was rehabbed (err...reset) and because of tourism to the city fueling Air

Not to mention that New Orleans effectively no longer has a public school system. Almost every damn school in New Orleanis is part of the charter school scam and is a private school.

So you can’t really SAY “I wish a giant flood would come and kill all the poor and the brown,” but you can say it without saying it and an editor will give you a pat on the back and the green light. Good to know.

It’s just like how I’d like to contract a horrendous disease so I can drop those last five lbs. Makes total sense.

Keith Allman might just be my new hero because a remarkable number of people died and the survivors seemed so helpless for so many days. The news crews could get in but somehow the government could not? It was terrible. I remember reading about the people in hospitals and nursing homes that drowned because no one got

No. “Abortion” is not a dirty word. Abortions are safe, legal medical procedures and because the pro-birthers are so loud, everyone feels like they should be ashamed or consider their procedure “the hardest thing they’ve ever had to go though”. Same goes for things like rape, mental illness, etc— all taboo.

If we

The problem is that everybody is all on board with playing along with the belief that abortions are somehow a shameful thing.

Why would you NOT consider vandelizing a church a hate crime?

Vandalizing churches is absolutely a hate crime — that’s one of the archetypal examples.

Abortions are not infused with the power of Voldemort so I think we can call clinics that perform abortions “abortion clinics.”

I think the easiest way to overcome the insanity about abortions is the same way we (slowly, and still with work to do) largely overcame the insanity about homosexuality: by normalizing the thing.

No, we do our cause a disservice when we act like abortion and the places that provide it need to be couched in euphemisms.

They are clinics where abortions are performed. What is the disservice?

no because there is nothing wrong with abortion clinics.

Well if he’s pulled down signs for the same abortion clinic on multiple occasions, I don’t think it’s very much of a leap to assume that his motivation is related to opposing abortion services. Like that seems an entirely logical conclusion to make.

but to commit a property crime that is motivated “because of actual or perceived membership or service in, or employment with, an organization.

tbf I would pay $500 in a heartbeat to have a sign over my bed that said abortion clinic

What? Jeff Parish police are using their powers for good instead of evil? And they arrested a white guy? Damn, the times are a-changing.