
It’s no more demonizing strippers to say that dress looks like it came from a seedy backwater strip club than it is demonizing line cooks to say that some restaurants are Emeril’s and others are Applebee’s. Saying someone wears a tacky uniform to work is not a dire insult, and some strippers wear tacky clothes as part

I’ve got to agree. I don’t have kids, but if I did, I’d want to know the person looking after them generally liked working with kids. Hell, I’d be upset if I found my cat’s veterinarian didn’t really care much about animals. It’s hard for me to have a whole bunch of sympathy here; it always sucks to lose a job — more

These have a lot of advantages over the kind of pan in your picture:

These have a lot of advantages over the kind of pan in your picture:

Am I living in an alternate universe from the rest of society? Peppermint and menthol-infused products dry and irritate my lips atrociously, and I actively avoid any lip balm that has it. Am I the only one?

Am I living in an alternate universe from the rest of society? Peppermint and menthol-infused products dry and

Oh. Oh, no. I realize that living in New Orleans, we literally have to deal with St. Louis' shit, but this horror is too much to inflict on anyone.

I agree that these are huge issues, but it isn't an either/or question. We don't have to choose between, say, supporting full reproductive rights in the U.S. and championing the rights of women/girls to attend school in Afghanistan.

See, that's why buffalo wings are so inexpensive. Each buffalo has hundreds and hundreds of those little wings to lift up its big heavy body, so a single buffalo supplies an entire busy restaurant for a night.

I would agree except for one thing: Imagine what working in a kitchen with these people would be like.

In a corset like that, I'm not sure there's even room for a semi-colon.

I've got another benefit for you, depending on how you play: building your grammar and typing skills. While text-based games such as MUDs (multi-user dungeons) aren't quite the same as tabletop games, they're far closer to that than to video MMORPGs. They take the same kind of creativity, teamwork and problem-solving

For anyone who likes freedom in RPGs, consider MUDs. They're old now, almost an antique technology in terms of the evolution of game design, but they really let you dig into character in ways that video games just don't allow you to do.

There is!

What about discussing dogs? Don't you ever discuss dogs? D:

She makes me feel bad for ever calling Kristen Stewart dull.

A good guideline is that straightforward requests about plating and finishing — "sauce on the side, please" or "no dressing" or "no parsley" — are really simple. One-for-one substitution requests for items that are commonly served in the restaurant — "brown rice instead of white, please" or "I'd like potatoes instead

Unless you also naturally have blue/purple eyelids and gobs of black eyeliner, I think it's pretty clear that the makeup, not the dolls' full lips, that makes them look like porn stars. If you look up a tutorial on how to do porn-star makeup, you're going to see what looks very like a Bratz doll's makeup in the

It isn't about inconveniencing servers — or at least, not entirely, although that's pretty shitty too. It's about how much special orders inconvenience other diners. Obviously, your no-ice request is no big deal, but when you order off the menu and force someone to jump off the line to prepare your special snowflake

No, asking if a single simple substitution's possible really isn't that big an imposition. It's when you combine that with another simple substitution, a request to be seated somewhere special, and half a dozen other needy, passive-aggressive demands couched as "polite" requests that restaurant personnel start

If you feel you're getting sub-class treatment, it probably has far less to do with your clothes or overall demeanor and far more to do with the fact that you're making life tough for servers and cooks without realizing it. From your perspective, you're quietly and politely requesting a particular seat and a few minor

There's everything wrong with it when you're bringing food into a restaurant. That's not even legal in many places, and in another one of my posts, I outlined good reasons why people can't bring food into an establishment that serves it. That doesn't mean they need to sit at home, miserably huddled over their plates