
So they can eat at a table in the mall or have a nice cozy dinner party at home for their like-minded, allergy-having friends.

There are wonderful places to get out of the house to eat — parks, public gardens, beaches, river-front or lakefront walks, even their own back yards. We call these things "picnics."

Here are a few reasons why restaurants don't want people brown-bagging it:

Ugh, this misplaced underwire is giving me sympathetic boob pain. So pinchy!

Are you kidding me? That whole story was full of seamen from start to finish!

and I guess the link would have never been made for a male CEO

If I was chilling out in downtown Chicago and saw a live puma, I would shit a brick.

Dave Hogan, please serve us words instead of breadsticks. You may have been a stinky, nervous breadstick guy, but you are a fucking awesome writer guy who deserves to get paid for what you write. Dead serious — I would buy your book, and I don't just mean the $2.99 Kindle download but the paper kind I could read in

If I had to chose between a solid experience or a slight chuckle or minor amusement over being able to have my muscle head qunari fuck a hairy dwarf. I'm choosing solid experience every time.

If you're going to a restaurant where there are visible differences between portions, please switch restaurants. Good restaurants pride themselves on consistently high quality, and there are no larger or smaller portions. That's not just because of quality, either; a restaurant that doesn't monitor its portion sizes

The really awful thing about that is that someone presumably had to go to extra trouble to do it. In almost all restaurants, prep cooks take care of chopping pounds of broccoli at once so the guys on the line can just grab a handful of it for each order. It's why restaurant meals don't take an hour to prepare — that

I wondered this very thing. My husband's a chef, and there are no "worse" pieces — or rather, there are, but those are generally used in some other way. For example, if the restaurant gets in whole salmon, the steaks are served and the belly (arguably one of the best parts if prepared right, but not suitable for

Crazy by accident? No, Shindean, it's clearly a case of unintelligent design.

When I was a kid, I encountered the word "simper" and wasn't sure what it meant. Had Ariana grande been around then, I wouldn't have needed to wonder. She is the dictionary definition of simpering. She is a human simper.

It's not the 15-degree turn of her rib-cage from her pelvis; it's the extreme lordosis that is something the human body typically can't do. Rotation along the z-axis of her spine in that image is entirely plausible, but let's see someone do it with her lumbar verbebrae almost horizontal while her chest is vertical.

The seat is always gross because people hover. If everyone sat, no one would leave grossness and droplets everywhere.