I think Ronny is Donnie’s dealer and doesn’t want that to come out. Ronny hands out uppers and downers like candy, so it explains a lot
I think Ronny is Donnie’s dealer and doesn’t want that to come out. Ronny hands out uppers and downers like candy, so it explains a lot
This is like those weird Law and Order:SVU episodes where there are so many twists that by the end, you have no idea what you even watched.
Didn’t she say that addicts should eat ice cream instead of doing drugs? Good plan there Kellyanne.
As much as Cuomo is disliked, I don’t want Nixon to win. If your platform so far has been a variation of “drain the swamp” I don’t trust it. Cynthia needs a little bit more than “Cuomo bad, Subway poor, kids sad, me better” to swing my vote
Pretty soon they will say that a teenager’s body has ways to keep unwanted bullets from shredding their bodies.
I think people are for her because she’s on the Dem side. If she was a Republican, they’d be mocking her as a know nothing.
I am extending her an open invite to visit anywhere west of Albany. Come to rural New York, where we don’t have access to jobs, proper education, or quality healthcare, which is why meth are heroin abuse is an epidemic. Come on over Cindy and tell me your plan to help us.
If enough NYC’ers get behind her, she could win. But if she’s gonna ignore the rest of the state like Spitzer, she can gtfo. Cuomo has his faults, but at least areas like Syracuse, Buffalo, Rochester, and Plattsburg exist to him. Plus once you get west of Albany, the state is red and they’d rather see Kid Rock before…
Why was she even there? Did she draw the short straw? They are failing miserably a pretending to care.
He could have saved the day! They could make a hit movie about it starring The Rock or Mark Wahlburg. Instead we are gonna get a boring HBO docudrama about Russia starring John Goodman as Trump, George Clooney as Mueller, some weasel faced unknown as Kushner, Charlize Theron as Vanks, and Meryl Streep as Kellyanne.
He probably hands her the briefings he doesn’t read.
This is something five year would say... “the bad guys will be scared away by good guys.” Pretty soon he’ll propose that we should have people without jobs and homes build houses..there two problems solved where’s my big mac, all this work is hard, can I take a nappy on the helicopter ride to the golf course.
This. I can’t imagine my racist 7th grade science teacher with an anger and booze problem being given the opportunity to be armed.
SSB is known as hard to sing, so when people with an over inflated sense of their mildy above average talent, this is what happens.
now taking bets on what will be tweeted:
Now the orange menace is trying to say the democrats didn’t do anything after Sandy Hook, so Parkland is their fault.
They said Sandy Hook was a hoax because they didn’t release autopsy photos.
This. Omarosa goes whichever way will make her look the best. I don’t doubt her claims about Pence, but she was more then content to hop on that train until she got thrown under it. Her trying to be a voice in the resistance is laughable. If she wasn’t tossed out, she would be calling Pence a devout man whose work is…
No one is talking about this, I saw a ten second blip on CNN about it, then it was back to three hour discussion about how that memo was nothing
Those $1000 bonuses are bullshit too. For Walmart you have to have worked for them for 20+ years. Walmart isn’t known for the longevity of its associates, most workers will only see $250 or less. Walmart should have used their tax savings on upping overall wages.