
This. She’s fulfilling her end of the contract and doing it willingly.

Some brave soul at Disney needs to replace the speech with the Access Hollywood tape. That person will forever be my hero.

“transgender”= “conversion therapy candidate”

It still hurts that she’s gone.

I can’t remember the name of the show, but it was the Queen and Charles watching home movies, and all she could talk about was the names of the dogs she owned at the time. That made me love her more.

That was so painful to watch. A generic American accent would have been better.

We all know Moore will get elected, why are some outlets trying to pretend otherwise? Disappointing as it is, this is our world now.

I noticed that too. As a pretend internet doctor (as in I’ve been on web md before) it didn’t sound like dentures slipping or a dry throat.

This. It’s super easy to say “call out your family/coworkers/whoever for what they say” but when you have to work or live with these people day in and day out, it’s very different. I can’t tell my Trump loving coworker to go fuck herself at work and expect the work environment to be pleasant and productive. The only

Pam has forgotten what its like to be young, naive, and wanting a job/career/fame bad enough to be lured into a situation like that so easily. She’s the last one to play “would’a could’a should’a.” with abuse victims

Jr will tell all, not to save his own hide, but because he’s too stupid to see he’s digging himelf deeper. Like the time he released his own emails with the Russians and claimed it proved him innocent.

I can’t wait for dump’s babysitter to fall asleep, and see what he tweets in the wee hours tonight/tomorrow

White people saying that word holds a different weight and meaning regardless of context. There really is no acceptable situation where we white people should be using that word.

I’m not into ballet, and I would be in awe of having a private performance.

But the Edward/Wallis thing worked out because they were nazi sympathizers.

I’m glad the Queen allowed it. But she probably saw her mistake of not allowing Charles to marry Camilla back in the day.

I don’t care for her one bit, but she is the only one remotely likable in this mess.

His 35% don’t need convincing, they believe every word out of his mouth, no matter what. He could tell them he’s only had one wife and one kid, and they’d believe it 2+2=5

When/if she’s asked about it, she’ll say she has no influence on policy or her daddy-hubby.

The queen called me and wanted me to do queen stuff, but I told her I couldn’t because I was in the middle of binge watching The Crown and wanted to avoid spoilers