
Al did this in the last 10-15 years. It would be one thing if he did it as a coked up comedy writer in the late 70's then grew to realize how shitty is was with age. He knew better in 2010, but used his status as a public figure to get away with it. In a sick way dumpo was right, if a white man has any amount of

I am so sick of people twisting themselves into knots to defend people they like or agree with.

He’s at home binge watching Judge Judy and Night Court

Reminds me of the people defending Michael Jackson; saying his peter pan syndrome made him mentally the same age as his victims, so it was like kids playing “doctor.”

I had a supervisor that thought good team building was going out for cocktails. Needless to say I was not seen as a team player by her, but a higher supervisor agreed with me and put an end to that practice.

I have migraine associated vertigo, which is lots of unfunness. I have limited sick time so I only use that when I have the head pain, vertigo, and vomitting. Most days I can get by with taking the bus instead of driving and praying i can sit at my desk instead of having to walk around the office.

He is oddly obsessed with creating or having a successful catchphrase.

The level of sheer stupidity with these fuckers is just astounding. But then I’m reminded that these are guys who spent their entire lives getting away with everything. Where an average person would make an attempt to not get caught, they just think they can keep doing what they’ve been doing for decades.

I can’t wait for them to blame Hillary for the 1.7 trillion addition to the national debt.

Repeal and Replace. A mantra the Republicans chanted to the ACA enrollees to get them to believe that getting rid of Obamacare was in their best interest.

The Constitutional Convention would have fucked over every single state/county/town/city worker. Thank you for voting no, we get to keep our benefits :)

Well they aren’t wrong. My fully grown adult sister drops everything she’s doing when she hears her phone ding/ring/chirp. It has lead to awkward moments at important events like weddings, funerals, holiday meals, and the time a nurse was giving instructions on my mother’s care after a major surgery. She claims it’s

I thought he was dead too.

lol, he would never admit ignorance on anything, he’s smart, really smart, Ivy League smart. Nor would it ever occur to him to ask someone else about their cultural/regional etiquette. He lacks the basic capacity to think beyond himself, thus nothing beyond himself matters

Will he ride his golf cart through a temple? Sushi isn’t deep fried, so he probably won’t eat it,

What a dork. At least he admits it comes off corny, and his constant name changing is amusing.

Weren’t those pictures taken when her and William were in a super secluded area and the photographer superzoomed from miles away? Yet it’s still her fault.

He’s waiting for all the facts, because that’s what smart people do. And he’s really smart, he know all the things and has a really good memory.

I don’t know what is worse; the white guy who is a mentally ill loner and we won’t every really know why he did it, so gun restrictions won’t do anything. Or the non white guy who is a TERRORIST!!!! and we get one step closer to having more “detention centers” for non white people.

She’s trying to make herself look as the only “good” person in the DNC. It’s no secret that politics is dirty and nasty, but her hands are just as dirty.