
My question is, knowing she was a security risk, why didn’t they search her for her personal phone(s) before escorting her out? They don’t get to cry foul when they were the dumbasses who let her walk out with potentially classified info.

Omarosa is smart, she will trade immunity for her recordings. I also have a feeling whatever is on her tapes are far worse than the crime she committed.

Blanca and Diablo, broke my heart, I didn’t see it coming, but I should have. I missed Martiza, and wished she got more than a passing mention. I liked Carol and Barb, but found the gang war story line stupid. Didn’t care for the rest of the new cast, and missed Boo, Yoga Jones, and even the Amish meth head. Part of

She’s probably better off tbh.  Vanks, Diaper Don and Smashface seem to be all about keeping in daddy’s will; but I’m willing to bet they will inherit huuuuuuuuuuuuge Russian and Chinese debts.  I still hold out hope that Tiffany will be a real Elle Woods and sends her shitty sibling to prison.

I’m sure Mother approves.

When I worked retail, there was a local story of a baby being hideously beaten by the mom’s boyfriend. From what I remembered the baby lived a year or two, but was by no means “alive”. The news dubbed the case the “Baby Andrew” case. The baby’s grandmother had come in looking for freebies/big discount on something.

If she believes he was a big flirt with her, then whatever. However, she is in no position to decide how others should feel about how he flirted with them.

I don’t trust them to give an accurate report

I remember when she married Tommy Lee and thinking how cool they both were (I was 13 and thought rebellion was listening to the Crue because men with long hair and tattoos).  Fast forward 25 years and he was always the worst, and my heart breaks for her.  I hope she gets the help she needs.

Meghan can take a flying leap. The administration needs to be held accountable for their human rights violations. The spineless reps we elected won’t do it, we’ll do it. Let’s just hope we can swing some seats, but I don’t even have faith in that.

Madonna was a major influence on music, that isn’t under debate. However it feels a little ookie that a white woman is barging into the narrative of a black woman’s success.  

I feel bad for the Queen, having to spend time with him. Perhaps she can give Vanks an honorary title, Lady Cunt of the Lack of Feck.

Most kids grow out of daddy/mommy once they get to be school aged. The only acceptable reason for a grown adult to call their father “Daddy” is if you’re Blanche from Golden Girls.

How can these agents live with themselves? Most of them will claim to be doing their jobs, but time and time again we’ve seen these agents thrive on this brand cruelty. Fuck all of them and fuck their bosses.

Nope. This bish made/shit/pissed her bed, she’s gotta stay there to the bitter end. Nothing she could ever say or do can make up for the damage she’s done to this country.

Next year will be the G6, and Dumbo and Putin will have a lavish, tax payer funded love in at some Trump property. Wherein Dumbo gets his personal debt to Russia forgiven and the country gets renamed Trussia. That’s the art of the deal kids.

“No ice cream until you eat your veggies!”

I’d like to believe the envelope was so big to make his hands look even smaller. Would that qualify as shade?


I don’t get why people are surprised Roseanne Barr and Conner are Dump supporters. Roseanne Barr is an out of touch rich white woman who thinks that “shaking thing up” will be fun because it won’t affect her life. Roseanne Conner is a lower middle class, rust belt, white woman who has been getting the carrot and stick