
Even if the Orange Menace manages to make to the distinguished “past President” club, he still wouldn’t be invited to their gatherings. They’d invite Hillary to be their fourth in golf just to spite him.

This. Part of me wants to say guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrlllllllll STAWP. But then I remember that she chose him, again, that mess is on her.

Gayle always bugged me because when she was a newscaster in Hartford, she worked in her Oprah friendship whenever she had a chance; “Tomorrow my friend Oprah will have John Travolta as a guest, only on WFSB at 4:00 pm”. But I also think they have a genuine friendship and doesn’t care about Oprah’s money. Gayle did an

It looks like she has her hand closed while his hand is over hers to look like they are holding hands when looked at from the front. Maybe she’s throwing a little bit of shade by posting this particular picture.

I’m willing to be he doesn’t know AND doesn’t care. If he’s called on it, he’ll find a way to blame Hillary, because the DOJ needs to investigate her.

It’s probably because she has someone around her telling her to be more “flotusey” and she actually listened.

I would encourage you to spend time with a child protective worker or a child abuse investigator. That angry voicemail is tame compared to what comes across the local CPS offices on a daily basis. Alec has always been an ass, and that voicemail was verbally abusive and awful; but I can’t in good conscience put him in

You keep bringing this up like it was the worst thing he has ever said or done (spoiler, it isn’t)

This was the same DA that found nothing wrong with the dumpster kids trying to defraud their renters....then got a donation to his reelection campaign.

Isn’t he hiding somewhere in Europe? Depending on where he is, he may never set foot on American soil or see justice.

If I was rich enough, I would probably buy some of these things, I think they are cute. Plus those cups are dishwasher safe, so that’s a plus.

But white guys doing the shooting are these lone wolfs with mental issues. So much so that we may never figure out what happened and how to prevent it. It has nothing to do with guns, and there isn’t anything we can do about it except say thoughts and prayers on our social media accounts. /s

ISIS doesn’t need to sneak people into this country to do harm. All they need is an internet connection to find people to radicalize. The only thing travel/immigration bans will do is make it easier for Bob the redneck cousinfucker in Bumblefuck Patch, Alabama to be even more racist. With the growing normalization of

I feel awful for him, yet proud that he’s coming forward to speak on this. It pisses me off that there is statue of limitations on this kind of crime, and some of these predators may never see justice.

Beth Cefalu is super super tiny; that plate of food probably weighs more than her. I’m getting a “eat something you’re too skinny!” vibe from Cuomo rather than “eat the sausage baby like it’s my penis. By the way, have you met my daughter” creeper vibe. Either way, it’s super shitty of him to do that to her.

I can’t imagine them actually celebrating any holiday together. Dumpy will go golfing in Florida #winterwhitehouse #askHILLARY. Vanky and Jared will go to some ski resort and post instagrams #blessed. Diaper Don will hunt endangered animals and instagram his kills #givingthanks. Eric and his wife will try to

Jared claims to be a method actor, and while filming Suicide Squad, he wanted to embody the evil of the Joker, so he harassed everyone on set in disgusting ways.

Was he the one that sent Viola Davis a dead animal?

Every time someone comes forward to expose a Hollywood pig, I’m not shocked at all. There have either been rumors of them for decades or they come off as general creeps.

This needs to happen everywhere. Whatever pageant the rotten pumpkin owned should have each contestant give out all of his gross quotes. “Hi I’m Miss Florida, and I moved on her like a bitch”