
Because the South refuses to believe they lost the Civil War. Sad part is, nowadays, I kinda wish they did “win” and were allowed to become their own country.

Keep using those tiny little fingers to barf out those tweets, it only makes you look more guilty.

Let’s have an Indictment Advent Calendar. Every few days, we get to open a wonderful treat from Mueller Claus.

The closet to the truth Mueller gets, the more he cries about Hillary.

With every tweet, he digs himself deeper.

My apologies in advance for the caps

Drew’s mother (Jade?) would use Drew as her ticket to the “jet set.” The mom was a fame sucker and used Drew to get close to other famous/rich people.

You’re not weird, that would be a normal and sane reaction. ATV/Monster truck asshole was probably more about wanting everyone else to see how he has the biggest flag perched on the back of his biggest truck while he made the biggest noise on the biggest ATVs because he’s the biggest American. All to compensate for

I can imagine that in 15-20 years (if we are still around), when Tomi won’t be considered bangable by the crusty old men who watch Fox news, she’ll “flip” and become a liberal/dem supporter. Then we can all pull out every bit of bullshit she has said and done this past year and say “You can’t sit with us” (or whatever

See when a black man takes a knee as a peaceful protest, it’s baaaaaaad.

Tomi Lahren is a national abomination.

That was the tropey “learn their powers from the help of a powerful stranger” episode, but I didn’t dislike it as much as most people. I liked that it opened the door for kids 1-10 to be explored.

So that’s why he’s so popular. I can’t get past thinking his face looks like a lump of mashed potatoes to pay attention to anything he says.

I never understood the cult of Barb. The whole point of her was for her to die, so I don’t get why people got so twisted up about it.

Yes, long time reader and only started commenting during the election; and it’s been so comforting to come here and not feel so discouraged and alone. I worry that I may be insulating myself in an echo chamber, but when more “varied” outlets are filled with such stupidity, I find myself coming back here to confirm

this deserves more stars.

The funny thing was at my school, the kids with the best drugs were the ones who wore the DARE shirts.

“I learned it by watching YOU!” became a catchphrase in our house when we were kids, it was a great argument ender.

I don’t think he will recognize that the opioid crisis effects white people. To him drug addicts are people of color living in run down shacks and killing white people to pay for their habit.

But cutting taxes for the rich will boost the economy, because rich people will have more money which means more money in the economy. People are very excited about this tax plan, believe me. I hear it all the time, they can’t wait for this tax plan, and not just Wall Street but average people on the street come up