I get why people are still mad, and they have a right to be. I still think about that incident when I see or hear about him in things that makes me feel icky and slightly guilty for liking him in the Good Place.
I get why people are still mad, and they have a right to be. I still think about that incident when I see or hear about him in things that makes me feel icky and slightly guilty for liking him in the Good Place.
I need to watch Last Man on Earth from the beginning, every so often I’ll stumble upon a random episode and watch it. I have no idea what is going on, but can’t seem to change the channel.
um, you spelled Steve Guttenberg wrong.
I remember that, and I foolishy had hope he would be fired But nope, he’s a “visionary” and his “art” is more important, just like the Polanski and Allen defenders.
The flippancy bothers me the most. Damon and Clooney are actors, the least they can do is act like they feel remorse over being complicit Instead their like “oh lol, I knew some things but lol, who knew? *headscratch* I have daughters so I now care about this. Go watch Suburbicon *man-chuckle*”
Once the dust settles from this, there is another crop of Weinsteins and Richardsons waiting in the wings. They will take their lumps right now, but in a year or two it will be back to business as usual for them. Whether it’s the studio “doctors” pumping their stars full of uppers and downers at the request of the…
Exactly. He can’t get rid of the senate and congress by executive order, so he’s bullying them out so he and Bannon can put in their own replacements. Flake lives up to his name because he’s flaking out at the first sign of a challenge.
There is a meme on facebook going around with story about a “nice call” to a Gold Star Family and degrading Myeshia Johnson. I’ve seen it reposted twice on my feed and I have lost almost all hope for humanity.
I remember the early days of the internet there was Barney Doom, where you went around and blew up laughing Barneys.
Because Obama, that’s why.
We’re feeling it too. Our county’s private/non profit Human Services Agency, which provides WIC, transportation (medical and otherwise), meals on wheels, family planning, HeadStart, counseling, etc... has lost a lot of federal funding. The state has been able to provide a bit of a bandaid, but I dread what the coming…
Or perhaps, it will give for-profit schools the ability to charge parents a crazy amount of money so their child gets the education/care they need. There are plenty of people out there more than happy to profit on these regulation rollbacks.
dun dun dun, another one bites the dust.
I’ve always been back and forth on her, every time I agree with her on something, she turns around and does something awful. I admire this project she’s starting, and hope it does well; but then she’ll undoubtedly do something that will remind me why I don’t like her.
I don’t agree that Xander was great, he was meh in my book. But I do agree that people need to stop conflating the actor and the character. Putting Xander and Nicholas side by side, Xander wins hands down.
It’s a bullying tactic, he claims to have “proof” in order to intimidate his target.
Hey give him a break, this will be the first time he’s ever paid anyone he owes money to.
Always the twisted game show host. I bet this fucker thought it would be fun to show up this poor man’s door with a big check and balloons like he’s Ed McMahon.
It’s a no brainer that there is a risk of death when you sign up for the military. However, there is a time and place to point that out, and it certainly isn’t when you are in a car with your family to go collect the body of a fallen soldier.
Eh, it wouldn’t surprise me if she had a double to go yucky stuff like stand near her husband for more than 30 seconds. But if you ask me, she shouldn’t have a double, she should be forced to spend every possible moment with him, she deserves nothing less.