El Jav Mart

Just holla when they get updated and tell us how much they’re improved. I really want these games on my Switch, but glad I held off on getting them.

Thanks! Looking forward to getting this!

I will, at $40.

the first five or six hours — more than half of my total playthrough”

Gonna need the HowLongToBeat.com assessment on this before I lose an entire day of productivity to this.

What’s switching between button controls and motion controls like, practically speaking? Pause menu > settings menu > etc.? Or is there a quick toggle function right when you pause? I suspect I’ll want to do the same based on this preview.

Wasnt Virtua Fighter 5 part of June’s offering? I downloaded it on my PS4 and definitely didn’t pay for it.

Are you the sign-lady’s burner account?

As long as they keep releasing games for PS4 with a free next-gen upgrade, I can keep waiting to upgrade to the PS5. I only got a PS4 Pro in 2018, so I’m chillin’

Aight so the whole “It’s named Ever Given, even though ‘Evergreen’ is written on it” thing is driving me insane and I hate it.

Hopefully, they’ve learned from the failures of Marvel’s Avengers.

My general rule - if I’m buying a game at launch/full price, that game better be long as fuck. Otherwise, I’m waiting for a sale for anything less than 30 hours. HowLongToBeat.com is my go-to resource for helping to determine those decisions.

Desperately hoping this runs well on Switch. I need more long games for it that I can sink into in handheld-mode.

Bummed this looks more like a remaster than a reboot or remake a la FFVIIR. I love Sands of Time, but I remember beating it in a weekend. I hope I’m wrong and this is a lengthier, more fleshed out experience. Otherwise, what’s the point?

Go to an indoor Trump rally during a pandemic without a mask? That’s a big WELP from me.

When’s a Fallen Order review being published?

Cap looks like he’s going to break up a peaceful protest in SWAT gear.

You just sent me back in time to one of the best periods of my life, thank you!

Liking this game a lot so far (25+ hours in). Would love if not for the auto-scaling enemy levels.

It seems like the only accurately rendered players are Antonio Brown & quarterbacks.