I loved the first day of school. But, after that they expected you to DO things, so...I was not a fan at that point.
I loved the first day of school. But, after that they expected you to DO things, so...I was not a fan at that point.
More like, “Bye, Flo-ecia!”
““I feel it’s really important that we make fun of everybody,” she said. “I think [what] brings us together and unites us as people is that we can poke fun at all of us.”
For sure, read Octavia Butler’s Kindred, it’s effing horrifying.
Steampunk is much more fun when you know you can take the costume off and settle into a long hot bath of clean water, with a glass of wine you didn’t have to make yourself.
Maybe I’m just not a romantic, but there’s no time period I’d rather live in than this one. Or maybe the future. But right now we have disposable tampons, birth control, antibiotics, air conditioning, divorce laws, safe abortions (where available) and surviveable c-sections. I’m a cynic and I bitch a lot about what…
Multi-year burner here, though haven’t gone in 3 years. It’s really amazing to see a fantastic fanciful city built over course of a week.
“You don’t have to respond” means “do not feel compelled to respond” not “literally never speak to me again.”
Two years ago, parts of Minnesota were colder than parts of the planet Mars. That’s right. A planet that is ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY MILLION miles further from the sun was warmer than Minnesota. Winter SUCKS.
Congratulations, Mei Xiang. I hope you’re prepared for a lifetime of “Are they twins? Really? Are they identical or fraternal? Are you sure? So, do twins run in your family? So how did you end up with twins? Did you use fertility medication? Wow, you have your hands full! Which one’s the evil one?”
Nope, not at all. I find it pretty damned cunty.
Email tips@jezebel.com, or tips@gawker.com, whichever is more appropriate. Or follow instructions here:
Pregnant pubic crab that has lice. Riding a bedbug. With a miniature bottle of Nair in it’s pincer.
“ I’m also pretty sure as a thirty-eight year-old white guy, I can’t possibly understand all the angles from which your viewpoint is informed, so in general I try to just read with an open mind.”
30th Street Station in Philly, perhaps?
They are. You got it just right. And I’m really glad your experience was so positive—I wish everybody could take that for granted.
I said this above, as someone with an addictive personality:
And their Royal Palace: Hot Topic. Located next to the Spencer’s and what was once a Gadzooks