@bornonbord: I'm counting on the extra money I've been putting toward taxes via my day job to help soften the blow. I definitely learned my lesson, though!
@bornonbord: I'm counting on the extra money I've been putting toward taxes via my day job to help soften the blow. I definitely learned my lesson, though!
@computermix: No, you're absolutely right. I've been so busy with my clients that I have zero time to work on my own sites. Any suggestions would be so helpful!
@Bela Beier: Said Russian mobster is totally going to kill me dead. Sigh.
Extra points for the In Rainbows album.
I am from the Who Cares About Wires? tribe. Unless they've been ziptied. Man, I want to kill the person who came into my office at work and ziptied everything. I can barely move my mouse now!
@BishopBlaize: They taught us that in Culinary Arts, too. If you cook something and then want to store it in the refrigerator or freezer, you have to bring it down to room temperature first. We would put everything in containers over ice baths to cool down.
@raffleking: My boyfriend insists on leaving takeout out of the fridge, because it "tastes better." I'm like, ew, hello, bacteria??
@virgilstar: I'm with you. Putting pasta into water before it's started to boil always ends bad. Ick. Ugh. Blegh!
@battra92: I've been living a lie!!!
@Prairie Moon: Unless I find that person who looks just like me and kill her... I'm not saying I will, I'm not saying I won't. (;
@Bluestump86: Thanks! (:
@cwsterling: I had all four of mine out at once. I hope you're not too uncomfortable! Make sure you drink TONS of liquids, even if you don't feel like eating or drinking. Trust me, you don't want to end up in the ER for dehydration. Gatorade is your best friend.
@AtomFury: Thank you. I'm glad your finals are over!
@Xeno: Why do I get the feeling you've done this before? (;
@se7a7n7: Also, editing your comment after the fact to take the curse word out? Not cool.
@se7a7n7: My response is rude and inappropriate? You said so yourself that you have "seriously considered putting him down." All I said is that if you can't be bothered to deal with the things that come with having a pet, then you shouldn't have one. Plain and simple.
Okay, NOW I can say with complete certainty that the iPhone app craze has reached its peak. Since when do we need to rely on a phone to tell us when we should go to the bathroom? Just go and miss the scene, or hold it and don't miss it.
@Tony Bullard: I've heard a few of their songs and really need to break down and buy an album!
I was all for putting my two cents in until they said I'd have to make a video and design a mockup. (I do enough mockups every day!) I thought they were going to give us a couple of options and have us tell which ones we liked and why!