
Awesome! My son feels the same way. His latest stint was offering to help cook at a friend's house. It was just the Dad with the boys as mom was out of town. They were amazed that he knew his way around the kitchen and understood the basics of following recipe directions. He's quite self-sufficient at 14. After

I think I love you.

This is totally me and my mom. We just love a good rant, to the point where we're enjoying the rant more than we're hating the thing the rant is actually about. Fortunately, we usually tend to find each other's rants entertaining, so this works out and we can avoid ranting to people who find it annoying.

And forget any sexual guidance talk or any info on that matter

Do people not know that premade smoothies are loaded with sugar? Not trying to insult anyone, I'm asking in earnest. I love me some smoothies— but I make them myself with fruit, some ice, maybe some yogurt, and a blender. I would never buy a smoothie from Smoothie King or wherever else... might as well just get

I saw a woman on my tram the other day reading Eat, Pray, Love and she was talking to herself like a maniac. I'd never wanted to read it in the first place (although I did see the movie at the cinema with a friend and a bottle of wine) but now I'll really, really be avoiding it.

Dude just makes me wanna take a silkwood shower, ya know?

Oy, yeah. I think a big reason boys in our society are more likely to get in trouble at school, and with the law, is because a lot of them are raised with that mindset to some extent. Not usually to this extreme, but it often exists. Sometimes it comes from the parents, sometimes it comes from other sources, like

Oh my god, I've done that, too. I must be even more insufferable than I thought.

Act like a lady. Especially when said to a female senator.

I am full of distrust for any single human being that refers to him or herself as a "brand", it's pretentious and annoying even in very famous people.

Naw, some of us are total fatties and feel really stupid when we say it.

Ok, but.