Nepotism is a pain in the ass when it comes to television shows: you know, like your buds with their hits (Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Chelsea Handler?). It's called living in an underwhelmed, poverty ridden mediocrity. Wake up Jez.
Nepotism is a pain in the ass when it comes to television shows: you know, like your buds with their hits (Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Chelsea Handler?). It's called living in an underwhelmed, poverty ridden mediocrity. Wake up Jez.
I thought that was all acting. Did he not get paid enough? This is just kind of sad.
Why can't they just bitch slap Miley instead?
Why must bubble gum shit heads rule this industry? Have we not learned anything since Back Street Boys and Limp Bizkit?
Semi talented, comedic hack selling a sitcom about being Swedish or being in love with someone from thank you please.
The CEO of this company is a perverted sociopath-douche bag and needs to die.
The problem with fashion shows especially for men....there's too many gay men who work in it.
If it's less than my rent in Brooklyn, I'll take it! Anyone one in NYC want an orange tabby kitty cat?
Don't feel bad Mindy. I was talking to this woman at a neighborhood bar about my experiences with discrimination and how the yachting industry is very white, anti American and very prejudice against "others". This woman told me, "Yeah, you mean like pretty people....they only like pretty people?" The woman was a…
I can certainly respect her for this. She should have just told the douche bag to fuck off.
Seriously - the fuck is up with you people who pander to "liberals" while exploiting what some guy does in private? Aside from this guy's 'sex scandal', what is it about him that you don't *really* like?
i think it's because she's not attractive enough. or that funny.
Matt Weiner must be jonesing again for fame and stardom. He wants to stay hip and famous and stretch it out since he's about as imaginative as my club thumb.
Kay..... thanks. I'll be sure to pin the date in 2015...or if someone could remind me when the very last episode is ...the date and time, maybe I can swing it if I remember. Because Mad Men is about as over rated as five months of the minor leagues. From what I can tell, Matthew Weiner is not very…
THANK YOU. And yes, I'm one of those who will politely ask all guys who do this to give me a little more space if I'm about to get crammed. And when they don't, I channel in my sixty something Turkish my mother and say something along the lines of "No - no! You may not sit next to me like should never…
wish i could age like Wynona!
Someone on here mentioned poverty and being smart about not having kids at the wrong time in life, of course that is a good point. What about individuals? Why aren't any of you WRITERS and POSTERS ON Gawker discussing the issue with the poverty line for individuals? WHO THE HELL CALCULATED THE POVERTY LINE TO BE…
What office?
Is slapping my *always hungry at 5am and finicky* soon as he jumps on my bed - bad? Be honest.
Clean your pillow cases every least do that!