Elizabeth Warren

On Tuesday, while waiting as my tattoo artist prepped her station before inking me, a white man leaving the parlor/gallery with his girlfriend came up behind me and ran his hands through my afro.

I don't know why, but Drake almost always seems to wear a 'breaking up speech' look on his face.

Would be cool to have one of those cameras and look at myself. I'm a ginger that wear 50+ sunscreen whenever I go out and I where I have visible skin. I can for the most part feel where I need more sunscreen within minutes. When I was younger I used a umbrella all the time because I didn't like the feeling of

Loved the book, even the ending. Couldn't wait for the movie. Until they announced Ben Affleck as the male lead. Sad trombone sound.

Tyler Perry.... dropped.

My wife and I are in the same boat. We dont find her particularly funny, but she doesnt bring out the awful like we feel for Kristen Wiig. That woman just irritates us.

So, the world is telling me that I can shoot people I'm afraid of? Don't go 'boo!' at me anybody, I am packin'.

People, many of them ladies, called me out when I was being horrible and told me, with much love, that I was out of line and needed to check myself. I think we "commoners" are lucky that we have people who will do that for us!

And what exactly are vaginas suppose to smell like? Someone tell me that.

Whatever happened to just minding your own god damn business?

No one ever gives men shit for "dating up", as they say.

I'm actually going to go out on a limb and say Dads is better than Super Fun Night. By a mile. Not a fan of either, but the acting in Dads at least saves a lot of it, and I'd sure as hell rather watch Peter Reigert do ANYTHING versus Rebel Wilson's awkward fat jokes girl.

Just once...JUST ONCE...I'd love to hear a reporter ask a male politician/musician/actor/director/doctor/judge/whatever ask the following questions:

No, that requires effort. Losing weight must something people can do without effort.

What the hell is wrong with the people who think fast food workers don't deserve a living wage? Are they really THAT insecure and dissatisfied with their own jobs and wages? Good God, spend some time glaring at the CEOs and bankers who pull in MILLIONS they don't deserve. Stop squabbling with your fellow

Can't HBO do a spin-off with Eric and Alcide? or just cast our two favorite HBO h'throbs in a brand -spanking-new series?

Am I the only person who thinks it would be helpful to stop defining racial boundaries in terms of clothing and dance moves and fingernails? Saying "these clothes are for black people," "these dance moves are for black people," "this manicure is for black people" is far more cringe-inducing than a pop star with bad

Speaking of the stigma, I was a little struck by the author's decision to include that she's never had an STD. I assume good intentions, that she only meant to say "I'm not of this class, and I care." But there is something about it that's, "Oh, but not me!"