Elizabeth Warren

I use diluted bleach for my linens every two weeks...obviously I have a cat.


Yeah that's what these white "liberal" zines tend to do. It feeds their warped and sad opinions of black Americans and other non whites.

The same thing has happened to me on both Gawker/Jezebel, it's a so called "liberal" zine....that doesn't act liberal...instead it acts more fascist than anything else. It's disgusting....though I love good stories / situations expressed on these zines. So I sell my soul to the commie devil. Unfortunately, it's the

I doubt most men over the age of thirty are that stupid and pathetic. I guess so anyway. Plus men smell waaaaay worse than women. And they tend to be uglier.

Stop defending Gawker.com and Nick Denton (over the suit against them by a number of unpaid interns — btw)....any intern working position should be a paid position...I don't care how the tradition has been or how "paid internship" should be denoted - it's not right. The nerve of people / employers who are too cheap

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is the beige of funny.....................no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you for the enlightenment. (slaps author upside the head and throws a can of V8 at her)

Can we please use another word other than

Do you ever wonder why some zines just have writers who aren't very good at what they're writing about? Do you ever feel that yet another snarky liberal writer at Gawker or Jezebel is doing a half assed job at being snarky and witty as it is? All without much substance? Do you ever feel that much the writing on here

is it just me or does the photo seem back asswards?

then again, why would this woman date an idiot like that in the first place? what was going on in her mind?

nothing against skinny and 'blonde', but I've never wanted to be like that. I've never found women of zines/Hollywood -skinny, puggy nosed - very attractive like women everyday on the street. It's pathetic when we here an idiot like Dustin Hoffman lament over how he judged 'ugly' women while never knowing the good

you a bad mutha futha....right on sister.

I'd like share something on his broad voluptuous chest. Mine!!!

She's completely wrong on all accounts....I'm sick...I mean sick white women dramas/comedies. Break out the Wanda Sikes! Pleazzzze for the love of God and comedic talent in this forsaken beige land we call America! Of course, I'm white.

Piggish loser. Which is why I feel more empathy for Weiner than this money hoarding piece of trash.

SERIOUSLY —- can someone FIND OUT WHO MADE THIS VIDEO AND WHO THE PARENTS ARE? I believe this may be a crime. And deliberate. I'm doing a little research right now. C'mon you glib asshole immature Gawker shit heads. Get off your snooty, under whelmed asses...and do something about this as well. Yes I'm serious. And

you might like dweebisis then. you can google it I think

Brilliant, Victoria Whatsyourname, BRILLIANT!