That’s a good question. I drive a 2008 Volvo, and she bosses the life out of me. As in, uses full sentences. I would think new cars could do reminders...
That’s a good question. I drive a 2008 Volvo, and she bosses the life out of me. As in, uses full sentences. I would think new cars could do reminders...
I use a knife every time—it’s easy and perfectly safe IF you put the avocado on a folded-up dishtowel in your hand in case of slippage.
I have been hyper-vigilant about this particular thing. For some reason, being forgotten in a hot car struck me as the most likely tragedy to befall our baby, so I got extremely serious about preventing it. She’s three and a half now and can undo herself, so I feel validated in my dedication.
It’s like babies getting left in hot cars—I believe that it’s an horrible, awful, tragic accident, but it IS a preventable one.
I hate myself for knowing that that’s properly called a “midi” ring. It’s a new place to put jewelry, which I DO LOVE.
EVERYTHING works in a casserole!