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    Travolta has Shapiro down to a science. Vance better win something for this. and a big standing ovation for your entire comment.

    She may have been on some talk show or another. She's not one to miss out on an opportunity to bring attention to herself.

    I said it when I saw that he was cast- There is no physical resemblance at all, I was hoping his performance would win me over. Unfortunately, from the very first scene, he just is not as menacing and imposing as OJ. He's not tall enough or big enough, and the voice is just killing me. With the amount of big names

    The View interviewed Clark about this. She said she called a hearing about it right there on the lawn, but she lost her motion. So, as absurd as it seems, its must have been legal.

    Yes. Agreed. I just meant the scene with Ito.

    Have you read the book? If I not, I recommend it. Because I read the book before I watched, I feel I understand the characters behaviors more. Chris Darden, from what I got when I read, was almost annoyed that the black community rallied around Simpson because he felt he left where he came from to never return. He was

    She should have overruled him, but how could she have? She told him not to and he did it anyway. The look on her face when he did it was shock and panic. I don't think she had knew how to overrule him without making a fool out of everyone.

    Dominick Dunne. He was a journalist. I think the scene was more to set the tone of how Ito treated and courted certain members of the media.

    It didn't happen in the courtroom, he went to the hospital later. He never even actually collapsed, according to the book. They are taking some creative license with the re-enactment. Marcia Clark was interviewed recently and she said that when the group toured the crime scene, she actually called for a formal hearing

    Exactly! What's the attraction!?

    Sometimes I feel like the show is getting a little stupid. Like it's drama for drama's sake and everyone is running around in circles.

    I was so disappointed in him that he did that. I wanted to root for him so bad. :( It's almost ruined the show for me.

    Jane's Type-A has morphed into a "holier than thou, know it all" personality, and I concur, it's irritating.

    I'm coming into this late because i didn't watch the episode right away. Can someone help, I feel I've missed something. If Michael knew he wasn't fired, and it was all a ruse, then why did he have his violent outburst at all even? Sometimes the pace of the show gets me dizzy. Was there an explanation for all of that?

    It's a red flag to his anger issues. We've seen his clouded judgment before but it seemed this week that his impatience made him boil over. I would worry with him around my kid of he doesn't get his way.

    Rewatch. The baby was in the carrier but Raphael was holding it so when he hit him, it swung pretty good. So much so that i thought in the moment "i hope there is a prop in there and not the actual baby that plays mateo".

    I attributed his reaction to her personality rather than his feelings about it. She's so off he probably isnt shocked by a good portion of things she said. I didn't have as repulsed a reaction as i did the first time either, i think i considered the source.

    You think he paid him!? I never even considered that. Oh I hope he didn't do that. If he did, I'd lose a lot of the respect I have for him.

    If you can't read that and see how what you wrote is selfsih, i can't really respond in a way you'll understand, so we'll agree to disagree.

    I don't have such an issue with his emphasis on their family. It was something that they both wanted at one point, and it's his truth. He has been vocal about it. He really wants his kid to have the family he never had. Jane wanted that too in the beginning. I don't have such a problem with the guy fighting for his