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    I'll grant you that he really doesn't know the story like we do. But a lot of his nonsense is motivated by jealousy. And the violence? Unnecessary. The lying even when he does know the truth? Not cool. And the whole lying about Petra's affair wasn't about the relationship at that point. He just didn't want that baby.

    Yup! He's done everything under the sun to deceive her so things would go how he wanted.

    Clearly, I have way too much time on my hands and I rewatch series on Netflix too much.

    1) He broke up with her in the only way he knew she'd accept. He couldn't give her what she needed- so he put her before himself. AND he came clean. Like he always does. Whereas Michael comes clean when he's caught and forced to.
    2) When you can control your mood shifts, let me know how. Because if mood shifts are

    They did do that, that's when we found out he and Xo were 39. That was after the speech about the car. That's how i did my advanced common core math lol.

    Michael has been manipulative! Every time Raphael has had the opportunity to be manipulative with Jane he hasn't taken it. He told her his marriage was going South, even though it could have hurt his chances of keeping the baby. He has been honest with Jane at every turn. MIchael has lied, broken the law, lied,

    He said last season that he became famous at 35 (When he gave Jane the speech about giving her the car). And this year they mentioned his age at 39 or 40.

    I agree about the Michael love. That was a straight up assault. And he went after him with the baby in his hand. I mean talk about blinding anger. I am also getting a little annoyed with Jane always being suspicious of Raphael. Since the beginning of the show, Michael just over and over accuses, tries to implicate and

    Alba and Xo high? Phenomenal. Luisa putting up the block, loved that. Raphael not taking her advice about the "cancer card"? Good Idea. Jane explaining the attack as a mutual fistfight? nopenopenope. Hate him or love him, the boy has anger issues, and unless he genuinely gets his crap under control, he can't be around

    Do you follow Justin Baldoni also? Sometimes I think he's got the Mateo baby, but it's actually his real baby daughter. There's a lot of cute baby floating around that set this season.

    I was a nanny and I worked with a lot of different families. Out of the 6 infants I've watched, one was that calm. They're rare- but they exist lol

    I was watching that scene again last night, and i was bothered by that also. But the real issue for me was the brass pair on Petra. Although i am not surprised by it. The demanding way she went about confronting them was so much that i began to dislike her greatly. She had done something so deceptive and awful and

    I'm not sure about hospital tests, but I am going through it, and the home tests are best when taken after a missed period. Sometimes earlier, but the hcg levels usually aren't high enought to detect before that.

    I must be remembering in correctly because i thought it happened after they were saying she hadnt showered in a week.

    I don't necessarily agree with that. I don't see them leaning either way right now. I will be honest with you, I'm not a Michael person. I feel like at the end of some episodes they're leaning one way and the next episode it comes back. I think we have a ways to go and a few more twists before anything is clear. BUT!

    I agree, I think the time lapses are going to come into play at some point, though. I don't think they can ignore it that blatantly. If she got pregnant a week ago there's no way she'd have gotten an accurate test yet. Even 2 weeks is pushing it. If Mateo is three weeks old and Petra basted herself over a week after

    Can't be. I just cannot see any way a show can make that work. If they do, Bravo to them. I just do not see it working.

    I kind of feel like she did talk to at least Rafael about it, just the show was so overcrowded that it got cut. At the end when she was talking to Rafael, it seemed like he knew what was going on, it implied there was a convo at some point, we just didn't see it.

    Emphasis for me on the unless she chooses Michael. What drew me to the show was the Jane/Rafael love story. If that goes, so do i.

    I was hoping they'd make her more of a real older sister to Rafael like she was in the beginning of the first episode. They're making her such an idiot recently.