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    Agreed. I think people get closer when they have a kid together. Part of my love for my husband (and part of the reason i don't kill him sometimes, lol) is my love of family. It's absolutely a package deal.

    I do want to see more of the Sin Rostro storyline! I was surprised at how excited i got at that little tease where he found the couple in Germany(?) and how they reacted.

    I'd like to see him not mooning over her for a minute to see how she'd react to that. Possibly a little jealousy?

    That baby is not his. I am sure of it. It can't be, there is no way that can work. I think the assistant did something with it. Switched it with saline or something and it is actually Zaz or Lachlan's baby.

    I think she's the same person.

    The earliest I've heard anyone finding out is 8 days after possible conception. I'm right in the throws of the fertility process (struggle) -Which is not nearly as easy as TV and High School Health class teachers make it seem. Depending on the woman's cycle, the hormones can be detected a day after a missed- which

    You could be right about Jane and Rafael, however, I'm going to disagree with you (respectfully) about Michael. Soon enough Rafael and Jane are gonna have years under their belt also, what happens to the logic then? We've all been in relationships that were lengthy, and likely we've been able to move on from them.

    That's a really good point. Hopefully that's what will happen going forward

    I relate her to my mother in law. She understands English, but doesn't have sufficient command of the language to speak it. My husband and his siblings have the same type of conversations with their mom. They speak in English and she responds in Italian. It's not uncommon among my friends' families either. I bet she

    I'm with your friend. I hate him! But they are writing the triangle very well.

    I think he has some unlikable qualities. That attitude is one of them. I understand he loves Jane, but constantly inserting himself in her life right now is a little too much. Like, he's actively trying to make sure this kid's parents aren't together, I don't like the feeling I get from that. I guess I just don't see

    I was thinking that too!! Maybe it's his baby!? I feel like it's too much with Petra having Rafael's baby. I really hope it's someone else's.

    I love how they have personified all of us in Xo (#TeamMichael) and Alba (#TeamRafael). I'm a Jane/Rafael shipper and I am all about having Abuela on my Team.

    Oh I missed that. I thought it was like 3 days later or something. I was like "Yeah Right! I WISH" LOL. The waiting to take the test is one of the worst parts of this frustrating process!

    I thought the same thing, like if he's going to find out anyway what was that all for? But, I've learned that everything has a purpose with this show. It'll come back up I'm sure.

    I'm so over it! It was all last season, let's make a decision already.

    I get that she's loopy and I see what you mean. But I'm looking at the scenes last night where she's chasing behind them with a clipboard trying to learn basic things, and not really picking anything up. It was like she was a bumbling fool I just felt it was off from what we've seen previously. Like you said, there

    I so agree about Luisa! She lost her license because she had a drinking problem and a breakdown. But they're writing her as a moron. It's not fitting. They started her out as this knowing, loving older sister who had some problems. But now she's this dizzy caricature. It's a little ridiculous.

    He was acting like this had happened to him. When, really, it happened to her. She was the victim of this accident. Of course, he was indirectly victimized. However, if you're going through something like that (it could be an illness or anything that has a ripple effect through the ones you love) you'd hope your

    Some are available on Hulu. But your best bet is iTunes or Amazon instant video. Unfortunately, you have to pay for those.