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    Omigod. PREACH. You put into words eloquently everything I feel about him and their relationship.

    Give her ten years! Life is SHORT!

    They definitely did get confused. I think it bugs me more because it looks like it might become a story line. It's ok to overlook things like that in the details, but when you're making it something more central than that, there needs to be someone in the writer's room that goes "hey wait guys, this doesn't make

    I don't even understand how there is any competition! I mean, yeah, Michael and Jane have history. But in any new relationship you always sort of compare the new guy to the last guy. (even if you don't want to admit it) It doesn't mean anything more than you're missing that "comfortable old sweatshirt" feeling, being

    The tests were ridiculous. How self righteous is that?! I'd love to see how either would have reacted if they were tested in the same way. Come on. I understand a strong woman, but that was too much. I found Jane to be insufferable this week.

    They only sold off the third of the Marbella. Lachlan works for the hotel group. The larger company that owns the hotel with Petra. They have many hotels. The Marbella is just one of them.

    I know she controls the shares of that specific hotel. But they always talk about how Emilio's corporation owns hotels all over the world, and Lachlan worked for the corporation, not the Marbella. That's why I'm so confused. I feel like I missed something somewhere.

    This may be obscure, but to me it was glaring. How can Petra even have the standing to fire Lachlan? What does she have to do with the Solano's hotel group? As I understand it, she only bought a third of the Marbella. So she basically co-owns the hotel with a corporation which Lachlan is the Vice President of. You

    I found it ridiculous that Xo just took it when Jane unleashed on her like that. I don't agree about the reckless. She's grown woman, we have sex. Even her mother can't give her the time of day. She was a little too much for me this week. So what if her mother got pregnant? I don't think it's unfathomable that she

    She was annoying me a little! I'm glad someone else felt it. I feel like, alright already with this plan. Life has its own plan! Go with it a little.

    Money is definitely not the root of her problems at all. If it weren't for money she wouldn't be running to a stupid shaman, she'd have to find another job. She wouldn't have been to rehab how many times. She wouldn't have had a medical practice to begin with if it weren't for her family's money. Her selfishness and

    I look at Michael as her past. He's what she was, what she was planning. This happening shook everything up for her. She was handed this baby and this man that wants her to open up the doors in front of her. To be brave. It's like they need one another, yin and yang. The montage in the beginning shows them at two ends

    I loved that Lina is back. I love more that they acknowledged her absence by mentioning the rift because of Frankie. I so appreciate that these writers don't insult our intelligence, they didn't just bring her back like nothing had happened.

    I'm buying everything Gina and Justin sold me. Cash in hand. It's partly because they're both so awesome, it's partly because of the shirtless and the smile.But also, It might partly be because i so want this show to be different. I want to invest in a couple that isn't constantly breaking up and getting together and

    Actually, come to think of it, if they were legally married in another state, they'd still have to divorce in that state. The wife wouldn't be entitled to any property or anything in Florida, since it isn't recognized there. It could be that its going on behind the scenes and we don't know because there isn't the

    I want to be that pillow.

    They wouldn't be legally married in Florida. As same sex marriage hasn't been validated there, yet.

    That's interesting.. Thank you!

    I think fledgling shows do themselves a disservice by not making all of the episodes available for free online while trying to gain an audience. I have tried to turn a few people on, but they can't get invested because there are only a few eps available on the website. After the Golden Globes they should have been

    I think he was just trying to keep her calm. When he was walking into his office alone he was clearly affected. And when the baby kicked he was very relieved. It looked like the amount of relief he showed didn't match the level of worried he seemed. I took it to mean they wanted us to understand that he knew how upset