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    I'm being impatient, but I still want to know why Emilio was moving money around before he died. I still want to know why he was paying the contractor. And I want to know where he was planning on going with Rose.

    I was like "wait! He sounds Canadian!" When he said that. I'm glad someone else thought so too, lol

    I lie! She may have been on A Different World, but she was more on the Cosby Show. Towards the end she came to live with the Huxtables. I forget her name. She was High School age though.

    Omigod. I don't care which. I need to read it.

    I think you should check back and let us know how your dissertation turns out lol. I want to see if a crazy lady with a talking doll shows up in there somewhere.

    It is absolutely an adjective.

    It was the newer one. I know this only because the chick from A Different World was in it.

    While i was watching it, i was so incredibly confused about what the hell this had to do with that class at all. I chalked it up as a win though, because it was better than having to read the entire thing.

    In my defense, i wasn't ever sober when i watched LOL.

    I didn't even notice that!

    I don't mind product placement. But geez, if i have to deal with that, get rid of some of the commercials!

    OMG you're good. You remember the names. I just remember that crazy Tabitha chick with the stupid doll LMAO.

    I LOVE that they aren't shoving the relationship down our throats. It's there, but it's not the frontrunner. I love the implied intimacy and growing feelings. The way they interacted in the first scene was so comfortable and easy. And it was pretty funny too.

    She's gonna be in a Pantene commercial soon. Mark my words.

    I wonder if Rose was a man at some point. Like. maybe that would account for the year long absence and the bisexual stuff.

    No, I hear you. It's definitely pick and choose what they want to be accurate about. And it is kid of tongue in cheek mostly, i mean, hello, they're getting busy in the middle of a protected crime scene lol. But sometimes I'm watching and i get up and i miss stuff. I haven't watched it a second time yet.

    It could end up distracting you. The stories are so off the wall you become entranced sometimes. There's a witch with a crystal ball and a doll that would come to life, but it wasn't always alive. You might have it on in the background and hear something crazy, turn around like "Wait, what?" And next thing you know

    My friends in college and I used to toke up and watch this show if we didn't have class, LOLOL. SSSHHH Don't tell my mom. ;) Ohh the good old days, before bills and responsibility.

    I'm loving the comfortable intimacy in Jane and Rafael's relationship also. I loved his face when she told him he was one of the most important things in her life and i love that she's in the penthouse often enough to have a key. I think they have something pretty nice. They're supportive of one another and i liked

    I had a sinking suspicion about Rose for a few episodes, but I still have so many questions!