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    I find myself doing that to the narrator too! I loved it at first, but now i feel like it's a little too much sometimes.

    I'm not Indian. but last semester i took a History of Ancient India class as part of my History major requirement for my Bachelor's. We watched the Mahabharata, and let me tell you I felt like I was on an acid trip. That's mostly because of the production, though. It looked like it was made by the same people who

    I think she stopped making allowances. I'm sure there is some jealousy involved, I don't think she's a robot. However, she didn't seem too distraught about their arrangement being no longer when we saw her this episode. It seems to me that she's a woman looking to make a name for herself with this case and when she

    A friend of mine said that once and it made me laugh so hard. I now use it wherever logically possible LOL!

    Michael totally needs to get it together. But i disagree with your statement that Nadine is ruining his career. What he's doing is illegal, besides it's exactly the opposite of what his superior instructed them to do. She's been along for the ride this long with him, under the assumption
    that this isn't all about

    Ivan has to come back at some point though. I think they're setting her storyline up for something. She'll come back around, I'm sure.

    I wish i could like your comparison between Xo's treatment of Rafael and Rogelio three or four times. Rogelio blatantly throws his money and power around for the "family" as he put it in the last episode. But when Rafael mentions financially supporting the woman carrying his child so she can pursue a lifelong dream,

    Good luck to you! Here's to us all commenting on a show you're the head writer on sometime in the near future!

    If you look at the episode description for 14 you can pretty much be sure who sin rostro is. I won't write it here, so as not to spoil to people who'd rather wait But if you want to know, you can look.

    If he were poor, Xo would be worried that Jane wouldn't have financial support. But, he's rich. So is she worried Jane will have… too much? I don't know where he threw money anywhere. He's taking responsibility for his "family" as he called them. How great is that, that this guy isn't trying to nickel and dime anyone.

    His yelling was so high pitched that i thought it was Alba because i wasn't looking up at the television at the time. It was even funnier when i watched it the second time and realized it was him!

    Agreed. Czech is a hard language to learn and speak correctly. I've heard it all my life and I don't even attempt it, lol. Even the mother's fake accent is terrible. Plus, to have a whole show in subtitles is just impractical. I like that they throw that in there with Abuela and Rogelio, but between the text messages

    I was a also little WTF when she told Xo that Michael had moved on, because it was clear from the elevator scene in episode 10 that he has not. And she doesn't know about the Nadine stuff. However, I didn't get from that scene in the hospital that she was expecting him to move on as quickly as she did, but she wants

    Cops have stipends to use to get information during investigations. It's not such a crazy concept that people can be bribed. I don't think he's looking for a crying confession from anyone, but he thinks that he might be able to get some names. Let's hope he backs off a little now and lets his private investigator do

    I think he wants to hurt her like she hurt him. This is his "in" to do that.I wouldn't be surprised if he were trying to figure out a way to get back at them for years.

    It might skew his perspective, but it doesn't necessarily make him a person of bad character. I feel like her judgment of him based upon the kissing without calling was more valid than her judging his character by his wealth. I don't think it should be held against him that he was born into privilege, just the same as