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    I laughed so hard at this that i was tearing up. the Gary description came at me so quick it blindsided me and made me spit my water out.

    I laughed so hard at that!

    That's true.

    That's a really good point!

    I was actually surprised with the lack of attention on the length of his cross. I thought that was an important point to show.

    At what point of the trial does double jeopardy apply. Understand that my only knowledge of the legal aspects of a trial come from episodes of Law & Order, so I am totally ignorant of how it all works. But isn't there a point that he can't be tried again. Could that have been why?

    I feel the struggle he is having is that it's his good friend who killed his other good friend, and the realization of that. I am sure he would not be having this internal conflict were it a regular client. Plus also, he was never a defense lawyer, he wasn't built for it. He was a businessman, who served as more of a

    Forget about that! Imagine if it were now!? We would have to forfeit our phones! That would certainly trigger withdrawal symptoms from me.

    I've always had a hard time with Kardashian and whether or not he believed in his friend's innocence. There were reports that he no longer spoke to OJ after the trial, and when he was dying he refused attempts by OJ at contact. There was the Barbara Walters interview where he admitted to her that he had a hard time

    I agree about Schwimmer and Gooding. For me too, the casting of Gooding is so bad that it distracts me.

    That is an unbelievable catch! I'm giving you a standing ovation from my desk for that. I love spotting another diehard 90's teen tv fan!

    Nothing is out of the question. That was just a theory posed in the book. He had so much time to do something with that stuff, anything is possible.

    It probably took him less than that. I would imagine it was more admitting to himself that he'd been friends with someone for so long that could do something like that. From most accounts he was a decent guy. Maybe he didn't want to face his own guilt that he didn't try to help her when she would tell her friends he

    I actually read the book twice. The second time i was able to see past his bias and pick out the facts. It was clear he wasn't very fond of any of the players in this trial. I agree with you, I thought it was well written and detailed. Funny enough, I thought he was hard on the prosecutors also- that is until I read

    I agree. I do not think Kardashian helped him do anything like that. In an interview with Barbara Walters after the trial he admitted his doubts about his friend's innocence, telling her that the blood evidence was difficult for him to rationalize. Also, although i loathe her, Kris Jenner in an interview for

    There was testimony by the limo driver and the airport skycap outlined in Toobin's book about a small bag that OJ wouldn't let the limo driver help him with. And that the skycap checked one less bag than the limo driver observed OJ had. Also, the skycap testified that OJ was hanging around a large trash bin at the

    He's really doing such a great job. I think he's being overshadowed by Vance because he's just exceptional. But if you go back and watch old footage of Shapiro, Travolta is nailing it.

    I did not see it. I am one of those lame scaredy cats that can't watch scary movies. 😏

    I understand what you mean. The author sort of portrays him as under confident and intimidated by Cochran. That he at points acted like a child during the trial. And that Cochran knew this and played Darden like a fiddle, pushing his buttons all throughout.

    I didn't know all of that. I did recognize him as a famous journalist that worked for Vanity Fair though. I remembered there was something on him when he passed away.