Thank you! I’m getting ripped apart for several things I didn’t say.
Thank you! I’m getting ripped apart for several things I didn’t say.
Your reading comprehension skills need work. Good luck to you!
You clearly didn’t read my posts thoroughly. Please try again later.
You clearly didn’t read my post correctly. Please try again later.
Again, I have no problem with the boob. You guys are all making the exact argument to me that I’m saying you should be making against the anti-boob people. Go aim it at them!
When did I ever say that I let my niece wait until she cried? You’re putting words in my mouth and you’re coming across as quite judgy because you can have kids and I can’t. That’s right, I am physically unable to have children. Enjoy feeling superior.
I agree with you on that. As I clarified in my second post, I think breastfeeding in public is totally acceptable and I think public places should also have a separate nursing room for moms who want a private place to feed their babies because bathrooms are gross.
You must have missed the never-to-be mom part. Due to a physical trauma several years ago, I cannot have children. (and have decided not to have kids through other means).
You clearly didn’t read my post. Please try again later.
Nowhere in either of my posts did I suggest that moms should breastfeed in bathrooms. In fact, my second post stated the exact opposite.
I NEVER SAID I WAS SQUEAMISH. Holy shit, i was on the side of the breastfeeding moms until now. You guys have totally crawled up my ass because I agreed with you but was critical of one aspect of your argument and only because I worried it weakened your larger argument.
When did I ever come close to saying that breastfeeding is disgusting and should not be done in public? I’m pretty sure I said the opposite, Time for a reread!
You realize that you just completely agreed with my point, right? Albeit unintentionally, I suspect.
Instead of replying to each person in turn, maybe these two points can clear things up a bit. If not, well, I tried:
Makes you miss the good ol’ days of getting to slap some sense into baby.
I get that. I took care of my niece a lot when she was a baby. My sister couldn’t breastfeed, so she got a bottle and yes, she cried when she wanted it. My point is that when people exaggerate in an argument, especially in one that can quickly get as heated and personal as the issue of breastfeeding, it tends to…
As a never-to-be mom, I really have no horse in this race. I do think the store was completely in the wrong here. That said, I do have a big Liz Lemon eye roll for any mothers that talk about how their kids “can’t wait” (They can. They may not like it, but they can.) to eat and they refuse to let their poor babies…
I suppose it depends on how much you care about Emily Post’s opinion. I’m sure Ms. Post would have been mortified by most aspects of my life, so I’m certainly no one to judge.
I’m not sobbing. There’s just something in my eye...