
I’m 34, so no on the first part, but the second part is true enough.

Roxanne who?


What a hypocrite! Your entire reason for commenting was to try and dismiss the OP’s point that white people are affected by police brutality too. You tried to put words in their mouth as well. Why don’t you try making your own points and backing them up with reason and facts rather than trying to twist everyone else’s

I could leave you alone if you would stop putting words in my mouth. Never did I once say that there was no problem between minorities and law enforcement. Never once did I claim that any of this was a figment of anyone’s imagination. I can conclude that you are being incredibly obstinate despite the reasoned

238 white people have been killed by police so far this year. 123 black people have been killed by police so far this year. So yeah, this kind of thing does happen to white people.

I understand that the relationship between police and the black community is a long and complex one. That said, more unarmed white people have been killed by police than unarmed black people this year. More white people (armed and unarmed) have been killed by police than black people this year. So why are we only

In other words, it’s just like America, only different.

I’m sorry, how do you “surprise” someone with a tattoo? Did she slip her mom a mickey? Did Judi wake up in Tijuana with a throbbing headache and a new wrist tattoo?


Are we just going to ignore what’s going on with this lady’s hair? It appears as though she has the most glorious mullet or rat tail of all time!!

I work in a doctor’s office and I was coming here to say the same thing!

Well, sure. That would upset anyone.

It’s amazing how much you can type with your teeny tiny hands!

I’m happy for Jamie that they got what they wanted, you do you and all that, but I confess I don’t understand the pressing need for the change in government- assigned gender mainly because I feel like this rarely comes up. I can’t remember the last time I had to look at a government form that referred to my sex. Now

That is one busted up 19-year-old.


You own ‘Whosit?’!?! I own ‘Whosit?’ too!

For the record, I’m not a fan of Depp’s or Heard’s, so I have no pony in this race (#teamdiealone) but I have been in fights where I said “stop doing such and such” after the person already did said thing, meaning don’t do that again.As in “stop throwing things” after the ceramic cat had already shattered into a