Elizabeth Lerner

The real best line of that clip was, "That's because of this jam!"

The second one had one of the most egregious sequel hooks I've ever seen. A ghost/ghost hunter lady (yeah, she's both) goes into a house, looks at the ceiling, dramatically says, "My God," the camera pans to the ceiling and… pan to black. It's so awful and useless and uninformative. It was basically the equivalent of

He is, apparently, in the upcoming Hunger Games movies, too.

I knew him as "Additional Voices" in Jaws 4.

I mean, I don't think I've ever been worried about the leads in a movie. It's an aesthetic standard that people bring up a lot, but I don't think it's a very good one. (I didn't like Pacific Rim, but I just am not into spectacle.)

There are a lot that dodge those cliches, and then just fall into an endless parade of Lovecraft references, which are just as staid at this point.

And Return of the Living Dead 3 came out twenty years ago, although it is sort of missing the com.

How about "You're the captain of your own ship now"? Jeebus Creebus.

Usually "corrupt childhood things with horror" things on the Internet try too hard, but I like this a lot. I laughed out loud at "Your flesh is gorgeous, use it frequently".

He started out entirely serious - that album is as stone-faced as it gets, also including Shakespeare monologues - and then somewhere in the late 70s/early 80s started doing it semi-ironically.

D'Angelo is incredibly sparing with his grades - he gave Persona an A-, for chrissakes - so an A- is actually high praise from him.

So Ringo is the Karl Pilkington of the Beatles?

That was a perfect joke. It reminds me of one of Stewart's lines in The Thick of It: "You will go to the Z drive. You find a file entitled 'Miller's Ascension, Whitehall Arab Spring'. Open! Ingest! Implement!"

This is, for some reason, showing up on its own, not as a response to the original post which I saw earlier. Figured I should probably mention that before everyone assumes inamine's a bigot.

It's also sort of easy for people to just preface a statement with something like: "Privilege check: I'm a white dude." or something, and then go on and say something half-witted as if it's a magic spell that protects you against being stupid.

And it's weird, because people will bend over backwards to like the protagonists of a show if they like the show overall. See, for example, all of the characters on Veep, but especially Dan. (I had a friend who said that Dan was the "lovable asshole," like Jeff on Community. This about a character who once killed a

Look at this! There are bugs all underneath the microphone! And now I'm going to have to eat them!

I dunno, as much as I love the show - and I do, obsessively - I think it would be fairer to say they cross that line from time to time.

God, that doll from the Conjuring was so unsubtly, immediately evil that it just was ridiculous.

There was an episode of Jeopardy where there was a clue that was something like, "Proust selected a quote from Shakespeare to title this book series." As a smart-ass high school freshman, I still remember being so excited that I knew that was incorrect.