Elizabeth Lerner

Musicals are awful. True Blood is awful. This sounds like a perfect marriage!

Oh, no fucking doubt. Jesus Christ, those people.

Fun fact: A young Adam Scott is in Hellraiser in Space. I was disappointed Scott Aukerman didn't bring it up when he was talking on UTU2TM about how Adam only appears in sequels.

Titus: Although I definitely think, to some degree, its popularity relies on the fact that it gives people a reason to forgive Shakespeare for Titus, the Peele argument seems strong - although it's so technical (I'm mostly a twentieth-century lit person) that I can't say for sure.

I think, of all the suggested authors of the additions, he's the most likely, but I don't think there's any way to be anywhere within a mile of sure at this point.

I think it's very likely that Stoppard knew all of this, and was consciously making a joke by treating Shakespeare's history as loosely as Shakespeare treated everybody else's. I still didn't love the movie, though.

I'm an obsessive Shakespeare person - not at the truly mad levels it takes to be a real Shakespeare scholar, but enough to always be willing to argue at length that Henry VI Parts 2 and 3 were written before Part 1, for example - and it just didn't do anything for me, either.

It's sort of uncomfortable to read mister pants' amusing joke, and then look down slightly and be distressed.

I can assure you, there are no shortage of people who, based basically only on that Oatmeal comic, bring up exactly that romantic image of Tesla every time they can.

The game it's based on, The Landlord's Game, was, yeah. Specifically, it was designed as a way to popularize Georgism, a form of left libertarianism especially focused around the concepts of ownership of land.

That is a sad, sad person who writes those plot summaries.

I mean, I started watching the show when it was well into wackiness, so it took focused effort to understand and enjoy the early, more realistic episodes, but I can empathize with people who like those - it can be disappointing to see a show you love turn into another, different show.

… Marriage?

Yeah, it was just a quick thought I had in passing, rewatching the episode, but the degree to which it is a satire of that is just the degree to which you can deflate the more extreme formulations of EMH with "hey, herd mentality happens".

I feel like Martin's scene at the stock exchange would be a good, brief way to explain to people both what the semi-strong and strong versions of the efficient markets hypothesis are and how silly they are.

Caro feels like the George RR Martin of history nerds: he tells giant books about people struggling for political power by any means available, and everyone's worried he'll die before he finishes his magnum opus.

Dear God, how long was that? I'm twenty percent of the way through an audio book of The Recognitions, and I'm already losing steam.

After our conversation on the LBJ thread, I went out today and grabbed the Caro, Goldwin, and Dallek biographies - although, as you can see from my list I posted here somewhere, it may be hard to fit them in.

After our conversation on the LBJ thread, I went out today and grabbed the Caro, Goldwin, and Dallek biographies - although, as you can see from my list I posted here somewhere, it may be hard to fit them in.

… Well, yes.