Elizabeth Lerner

It's especially absurd because when I think of Sam Shepherd I think of surreal elliptical conversations and events, not long dull discussions about Louis CK.

Fun fact: That whole plot - detective looking for a killer who has kidnapped someone, and in the end it turns out they're all split personalities of the detective - is the actual plot of the Ted Dekker book Thr3e, which came out in 2003, a year after Adaptation.. (The former was very popular when I was in middle

The only thing that irritates me about it is it reminds me of all the times I've seen conservatives use it, absolutely certain they are not the pigeons.

And Reitman, of course.

I don't know if that's the canon explanation anymore? It was at one time. It might be, though.

So, that bizarre brand of film-only Aspergers is genetic. Good to know.

I'm against linguistic prescriptivism in general, so in biased, but in this case, the phrase makes perfect, evocative sense as it's used. Are we not allowed to use words in their literal capacity because they also have another meaning? This particular complaint makes no sense to me.

No, don't you get it? He was a smug asshole about every group of people! As we all know, that makes it OK!

They have Sada, a movie by Obayashi (who made Hausu) about a woman who cut a guy's penis off, so there's that.

Yep! In Marker's La Joli Mai, the credits even refer to the editors as "scissor women".

I would do it purely to see the AV Clubbers tear out their hair.

I believe the problem is a decent rip off a decent print.

That last line is fantastic. I'm stealing it.

That's why Lapkus started gobbling and saying "I hate men."

I've listened to the PFT/Lapkus episode of CBB maybe six or seven times since it came out - way more than basically any other podcast. It's still endlessly funny.

Stanley Fish makes a great case that Milton knew how seductive Satan seems in Paradise Lost, and is using it to make a point about how seductive sin is, in Surprised by Sin. Anyone interested in the poem should really read that book.

Are you sure you're not getting a bad reading off of the hundreds of AV Club commenters' self-righteousness about other people's self-righteousness? You have to calibrate for that.

The fucking Taming. Every Shakespeare class seems to start with that one, as much, it seems, to give the students experience in manipulating a text to match your preexisting values as for chronological reasons.

I dabble over here from time to time. Really, the death of TD should just mean I spend less time bullfighting (I meant bullshitting but I like my prude autocorrect's version better) on comment sections.

please be a Schopenhauer reference…