Elizabeth Lerner

Wait wait, old Elliot's gone? I can go back to listening to the show (that I loved for a long time until Elliott got on my nerves)? This is great news.

Seriously. Dan: you're not (as far as I know, out as) a trans person, so I'm really not interested in your opinions on the word tranny. And making a clichéd lesbian joke is not OK because you're a gay dude. Imagine if someone applied this to race: if a black guy made a bunch of jokes racist against Asians, and

this is my favorite joke on this whole thread

Your avatar's leering expression has never matched a post so horrifyingly.

It's the Gentleman's D-.

There's a reason one of the most influential works of literary criticism is a book called Reading for the Plot.

I'm late, but I think Cosmopolis is supposed to make you roll your eyes a little bit. That's why I prefer the movie: you can never forget when you're staring at Pattenson that he's that young.

It used to mean something different. For example, if there is a "no u-turn" sign, that exception shows that where there isn't that sign, it's OK to take a u-turn.

He's talking about the Scenic Routes article on the movie.

Are there people out there who only read Bloom? That's terrifying. (Anxiety of Influence is still a great book, though.)

Scott Adsit is in the movie Without a Paddle, credited only as "Greasy Man."

I'm not actually a SpongeBob fan, but I know that the creator of the show, who also created Rocko's Modern Life, left after the movie because he wanted to end it there. He's actually coming back and working on this movie.

This is late, but: I believe the actors petitioned the producer to make him change him write a new ending as they were shooting.

I have a complicated relationship with the word drag as a transgendered woman, but yes, I am not unfriendly to your position.

You are correct!

Well, there's a term that I can't remember for a performer of a cisgender woman performing an act like a drag queen, and I remember Elvira saying that she did that for a while and based her whole persona around the actual drag queens she worked with. But yeah, it's still weird to say she's a drag act.

Sounds like the first couple episodes of Season 3 are going to be exactly that, saints be praised.

Did you read his follow-up, The Failure of the New Economics? There are plenty of issues with Keynes, and it takes a pretty remarkable book to carefully miss any of them and only bring up criticisms that would seem reasonable to the stupid.

Video games have been doing that, specifically Metal Gear Solid (which pretended to suddenly turn off, with the VIDEO in the corner replaced with HIDEO) and Eternal Darkness (which took the same trick several steps farther by pretending to crash and then pretending to have deleted all your previous saves).

The digital look takes a lot of getting used to, at least for me. I'm a supporter of digital film with today's cameras, and I appreciate his support for the format, but it just didn't feel like tech was there yet when he made it.