
You’re welcome

There’s a kind of parent who regards their children as stage props in the melodrama that is their own life, rather than people in their own right. Their focus is not on what’s best for the child, but what will garner maximum attention and praise for them, the parent.

My undergraduate degree was in astrophysics. I decided not to try to pursue it as a career in part because of people like this author who do not understand the value of science or how amazing it is that astronomers can actually image a black hole (FYI: astronomers take photographs to gather data, not to make pretty

Thanks for sharing. Another possibility is that lots of us already know that not all Democrats are squeaky clean and don’t need to be constantly reminded of it at every single fucking opportunity, relevant or not, by Captain Fuckflaps up there.

How to investigate lying republicans.

I mean, there are people on this very site unable to differentiate between Jews and Israelis, including several who castigated me a while back for not voting/not voting the right way in Israeli elections, despite knowing full well that I’m an American Jew who does not hold Israeli citizenship and couldn’t vote there

So he got the year wrong (when abuse screws with a victim’s memory as much as any other cognitive function, if not worse) and suddenly his whole account is suspect?

I’m taking baby steps to understand how Dr. Leo Marvin was left off this list.

Ooooh boy this mailbag is gonna be glorious. A bunch of jokes who can’t take a joke, who will soon be furiously typing away at their keyboards, thinking they are saying something. They’ll be satisfied with themselves with the feeling of “I sure showed him,” with a smile and a nod of self approval. Yet, they are unaware

He can bill Jussie after he bills cops for shooting unarmed black people.

Also, fuck Rahm Emanuel and his fake outrage!

This is fun.
And totally absolutely 100% real.

Yeah, fuck you. Get help. 

Part of me thinks the author just wanted to plug his own punk creds. But I’m trying to be less cynical—by like, at least 3%.

Jesus dude, don’t watch it. Watching a video of a mass shooting isn’t going to give you any special insight that will help you survive a shooting. You really want to survive a shooting? Read up about how to survive them and maybe take a class if there are any offered in your area. See if your office will offer

These people are morons, and while we didn’t need a book to tell us that, I do hope the promise of its publication is at least a little humiliating to Jared and Ivanka, and by extension the president.

Many of the students were unaware their parents were cheating on the tests for them, the FBI said.

“I think it’s kind of a sad obit for one of the longest-running white nationalist organizations,” Heimbach told AP.

Be nice to people. It’s not fucking hard.

Yes, I already know you’re an asshole. Proving it over and over again isn’t doing anyone any good.