
I even get to use a real bathroom when I want..

Let us ruminate on the phrase ‘deaf man who was looking for food’ for a moment. Yeah.

A Dem hill staffer?

You’d almost think that “tough on crime” was a dog-whistle that doesn’t apply to white-collar criminals.

A white girl died 5 states away...why am I even hearing about it? I bet 5 people died in my city today and I haven’t heard about them because I didn’t tune into local news.

Honestly, as much as many, many doomsayers are already howling, “This won’t matter, either,” I think this might just be the beginning of the end of this Presidency.

Assume, for a moment, that Manafort refuses to flip; he knows he’s fucked (or Manafucked, in the fashion of one of the best headline edits ever), decides

In a just world, Clinton would be president but the collusion investigation would’ve still occurred in order to understand how a foreign power nearly convinced this country to elect a buffoon and the events of yesterday would be more than enough to arrest said buffoon and lock him away for years.

Rivalry with Jez?

Best tweet so far.

I’ll never forget the first time I saw Madonna make something all about herself. At the time I was doing something I like to do, interesting only to me as it relates to my life and the things that I do for my gratification, and in no way applies to anyone else’s story or journey, when I suddenly wondered, “Hey, what

So... first of all, thanks for actually reply to me rather than about me.

And fetishizing someone’s gender is just misogyny or misandry?

And said “Hold my pumpkin spiced latte!”

Norm MacDonald is a national treasure. He may not be the best stand up or joke writer, but his deconstruction of comedy, his unequaled story telling ability, sharp ad-lib wit, satire, meanness, and delivery are second to none.

‘why the hell Norm MacDonald keeps getting work.’

She doesn’t want a date. She’s going for a book deal, podcast guest, and verified twitter. Once she’s famous, her increased public profile will lead, among other things, to more dating opportunities. Smart. 

“But here’s my real beef: There’s no way an editor read this and didn’t notice the overt sexual fetishization here. I refuse to believe the editor of a sex diary on a major feminist blog can have that amount of racial obliviousness, considering how inextricable race is from feminist experiences

And yet, you gave me a click, dumbass. Seems to me I executed my job perfectly.

I think this is more than run-of-the-mill grifter type thirst, this feels, at bottom, like racism, like they can’t take the fact that the black girl in the family has surpassed them in every way possible. And when daddy says stuff like ‘everything she is she got from me’ I think he’s talking about his white genetics

I am not equipped with enough word-knitting ability to weave a tapestry out of the favor some almighty things has bestowed upon this royal voicebox.