
I said, as has he, that he'd played gay characters before. Not all of them have to be for that to be true. Grosse Pointe, Boston Public, Campus Confidential, Laid to Rest, Cinema Verite, countless others.

2006 would like it's slang back.

I can't believe he's not getting more shit about this, and people are instead getting on Dekker for…not coming out earlier?

….only that "This Is Us" tv show everyone's been going on about…

….because until after that interview he had only dated women? How…is that floating over your head?

Except it WASN'T Dekker. It was his management and Fox.

Not sure how his career is dead, when he's been working consistantly. You not seeing something doesn't mean he's not working.

Facebook, of all places.

It's not your business when he comes out publically.

Agreed. Not to mention he's a pretty great director.

It's a dick move when the actor wasn't publically out.

He'd also mostly played gay characters BEFORE Heroes, and it was proven in 2007 that the accusations he had refused to play the character as gay were BS.

I'm kind of cheesed that Bryan Fuller is still flogging that horse when in 2007 it was proven to be utter bullshit that Dekker "refused" to play gay. Especially you know. Considering that he'd played 3 gay characters previously, and has played several gay characters since.

Not really, no. Not if the general public didn't know he's done that. Out to his family isn't out to the world.

There's also these:

No one seems to have noticed the site was last "updated" in 2015. The current season takes place in 2014. There are also numerous secret videos.


I feel like maybe it's NOT pot that is doing this to him. The 'foot' had the same voice as the electric tree, didn't it?

Yeah, that is a fair point. Leland might have loved Laura, but even when he wasn't influenced by Bob he could be terrifying. Remember when he was checking her nails?