
Okay, well in my area they just included the seats.

The first time he met Audrey she was wearing red shoes.

If you click donate, then click the threes, a movie opens. If you click "older entries" you get a 12 minute radio station.

Because she was high.

I don't know, but people keep acting like this Chrysta Bell thing is new. He's been working with Bell since 1999.

I'm pretty sure you're right. He only lost his temper at Bobby on the show exactly once as I recall, when he was smoking in the house and mouthing off to his mom.

It was a joint, I'm pretty sure. Given Tammy's scandalized "Gordon!" and they way he smoked it.

Well, he's commenting on the guestbook so he's clearly not *dead* at least!

Something of note, beyond that if you click around you open what appears to be a black lodge radio station on that blog-site? It says it was last updated in 2015, which is AFTER what's currently taking place on the show. (the show is in 2014) So I guess Hastings ends up released? I expect that Hastings' partner

Uh, no. It isn't. According to the one near me, it's just balcony.

Frank Silva was native american.


Keith being so supportive of of his wife is really one of my favorite things on the show, honestly. You can tell he really believes in Cherry and in GLOW.

…okay? But they've been consistent with stating it this season.

…he was literally running scams with River Song. Other episodes have mentioned him swapping his face while "on the run", it's not exactly a stretch.

Bill isn't dead, and Heather said she can make her human and send her home at any time. Unlike Clara, who eventually has to go to Galifrey and die.

1 - Super glad I was right about Saxon regenerating into Missy here, etc.

Good news, then. Mackie is in talks with Chibnall to return.

I imagine that they'll take their plans for Zombie Island, and switch them for Seattle. Didn't Vivien say Seattle was the zombie homeland?