
This seems like an odd choice, but I cannot pinpoint why. I mean, he did direct Willow…

They couldn't.


And still stayed Sisko's XO.

And yet she was still Sisko's XO.

Except it's not the same, because this is a human having difficulty with their own emotions without the issue of having been a borg or part alien.

…okay? How do you know she hasn't done the same thing? The show hasn't aired yet, and with the information they've given I don't have any trouble believing that.

She's not Vulcan. She's a human schooled by Vulcans.

Riker? Kira? Harry Kim?

….wasn't Riker XO of Enterprise for like 12 years+?

….the ground of a human who was schooled by Vulcans and now has to integrate herself into human societal norms? No, actually, Star Trek has not ever covered that.

….then they're not real Trekkies. Every Trekkie I know is super excited.

Well, also because they specifically stated that there isn't really a 'big bad' this season.

Well, no. Because Filmore Graves owns the patent on that goop they can eat that's not actual brains.

….pretty sure that's the actress' actual hair, though.

Pretty sure Ravi didn't need to explain it since Liv's "met" Rachel before, and then again in this episode.

It's cool because they're you know. Wrong.

Claire is not dead.


No. When he came to that meeting, this was the convo: