
It must pay something, if he's able to buy coffee and such since he's been there longer than a few months that 470.00 would last.

That, I could not tell you. As soon as the flesh cutting started, I switched tabs and noped til I heard the bone saw stop.

Maybe they took his dominant hand?

if you castrate him, he can't provide more children. In Gilead's eyes, that's punishing the wife.

It seems like they have jobs they can get. Luke himself seems to work, he was doing the same thing the guy helping Moira was doing a few episodes ago.

Wendy can't marry the Reverend, so she can't have conjugal visits with him and she has no rights to him or his person. So it doesn't really matter if the relationship is ongoing. And if she wants to leave, she won't be burdened by needing to get a divorce herself.

Of course Titus hasn't become a better person yet. He literally just started 3 episodes ago.

I imagine he and Cyndee are no longer dating.

The Wendy plot had to be left hanging in order for her to get to the startup.

She still has the papers, all she has to do is reprint and sign them. But she won't, because of Wendy.

I can't believe it took me this long to realize Gordy is Frank from 30 Rock.

God forbid people not insult women.


And they're all gross.

Really? You don't see why saying someone smells bad or whatever is offensive? Shock.

Considering she's been dealing with not being able to release an album due to being stuck in a contract with her rapist/abuser and people are still saying shit like this and calling her gross and smelly, apparently not.

Dude, jokes like that are really offensive. Especially given her current circumstances suing her ex producer for sexual assault and rape.

Deer Meadow is in WA. Or at least it was in the Dale Cooper autobio. Maybe not in FWWM.

Janey-E did say she was taking him to the doctor.

I think she may have been thinking everyone would be on press but beyond Kyle was anyone? Why would they be? Lynch is famous for not wanting spoilers. Including casting.