
Twitter rant?

Deer Meadow is the next town over from Twin Peaks.

Marty McFly's sister is named Linda.

That's fine, because James Marsden was the best of her boyfriends and also broke the streak of James Marsden never getting the girl

My dad lived in the exact same town as his name doppleganger. And it was SUCH AN UNCOMMON NAME TOO. Like, to the point where people would disbelieve that he was not the other…we'll call him Lance Dillpickery as an alias. To the point where as a child I sincerely wondered if maybe my father had a secret second family.

I feel like it depends on the episode. The best joke they ever did with her was:

One of the Lindas from HR was also in 30 Rock, character and actor-wise, as the woman running the award banquet that Jenna tried to upstage. She even talked about her ex husband in that episode too.

I've heard non-disposable ones called that.

I don't see how you guys think Barbra Kean is Harley. She's no even a doctor.

She did.

Harley was the girl on the tv bruce was watching.

Harley was the girl on the tv.

Everyone who is angry that they were promised harley but there was no harley, harley was the girl in the tv bruce was watching at the end. "Gotham's Hidden Victims".

same actor, so yes.

I recognised him!

…I forgot about that! Probably the same. He mentioned a number too, didn't he?

Which promo?

Well, my thinking was that he remembers how Leo was to Shelly, and doesn't want that for his friend's kid. I mean, near the end of the show Bobby was trying to be a good person. Same as Ben and even Mike.

Jerry or maybe Johnny? They said that what was going on with Johnny was psychological, like Ben's trip into civil war-ia. So maybe?

Dude, think about it more: on the 2% Departed world, babies vanished out of the womb. What happened on the other world?