
2% of the population of the world, which is estimate at 7.5 billion is one hundred forty-six million, nine hundred forty thousand.

2% of the population of the world, which is estimate at 7.5 billion is one hundred forty-six million, nine hundred forty thousand. It's not nothing.

I imagine the thinking is that maybe people who want to be reunited with the greater whole could come HERE.

…how does it imply that? She says she spent a lot of time there, then came back. She doesn't say she went back in time.

Yes, but I'd be lying if I said that fossil thing wouldn't throw be a little.

I can't decide if I believe Nora or not. On one hand, her story is literally EXACTLY what I thought happened to the 2%. But, I feel weird being right.

I have to assume that part of the reason he gave Stephen shit was because Becky is Bobby's daughter.

Mike was the guy who gave Becky's husband shit for his resume in the opening of the episode.

She's credited as Nadine Hurley.

Smokey the Asshole at the Roadhouse has the last name of Horne. Another child of Benjamin, or did Audrey had a kid on her own?

Does her rival not know she's remarried? GASP.

He wasn't out in Mississipi.

I'm pretty sure she didn't bring up the Native American part of her background because she's still trying to get that whole name change of the team thing done.

I honestly thought maybe they WERE the Silence, but re-configured themselves. One of the spoilers for the episode was even "You should kill us all on sight" and now I have no idea why.

The TARDIS is most definetly in Blink. It's literally a plot point, The Angels want it, Sally and Lawrence use a DVD to summon it from a carpark it's been stored in, and then it disappears leaving the Angels trapped.

That was a joke.

Showtime doesn't really thrive on live viewership, given that they repeat views of things 5 times a week or more.

live ratings, sure. The streaming ratings have been through the roof.

He wants Netflix shows to be more creative, and not the same show with a different package.