
I think it's probably in reaction to what did he think was going to happen if you systematically rape women.

Yeah, it was def Pete.

Moira said there was drugs in Jezebels so they'd be able to do what they do.

The final chapters of the book indicate that eventually the elements that Did Not Work were purged out of Gilead, I have to wonder if that includes the handmaid policies.

I think the Nick background was important. I think we're slowly seeing how he got to be part of May Day. Which he clearly is, since black market stuff trading. Also, I imagine what happened to the first Offred is what put him on the 'cleaning up Gilead itself' track.

Yeah no kidding. Maybe you were thinking of the fire she and Shelley were in in season 1?

Given that Ra's Al Ghul has been the go to batman villain since Batman Begins, and was also a villain on Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow, I seriously doubt there are that many people who don't know who he is, even if they don't read the comics.

And Livewire, and every villain ever.

Maybe only Arrow can use the league?

To be fair, first a makeover seems to be every villain's first step.

Demons Head is Ra's al Ghul. Who is coming next week.

I mean, I agree they need to be careful how it's handled if she leaves permanently but she's not leaving the show. She's still appearing in episodes, and it's not like the actress was fired. She chose to leave for whatever reason. There's no real reason to get on this show's case about it when they've not really

That was Pete, not Catherine.

Liz Shaw.

I'm just going by something Frost said, possible he was misconstrued in interview.

A few people not listed have!

Catherine wasn't blown up….

That I don't remember, I'm going by stuff Mark Frost said though.

I'm sure we'll find out what happened to him.

Right? I mean, no one seems willing to take him to a doctor, but his 'son' seems helpful anyway.