
I mean, she could've left in the musical?

….and…in what way has Flash "kept" dumping his problems on Supergirl? Or even at all?

I don't understand why they didn't just send Iris with Kara to her Earth? Wouldn't that protect her? You can't kill her if she's not here!

The sizzle reel does have a clip of Iris doing the "MY LOVE WILL SAVE YOU" face touch at him. Just saying.

Well, a nuclear blast is about 80 terajoules, so. Yeah, they're wrong.

To be fair, he was created to save Iris and failed at it, and then his loved ones abandoned him after he was clearly badly injured.

It seems like it's less that they would talk to him and more like they completely hated on him just because he didn't die.

King Shark seems to be at least half the plot of next episode, going by the promo.

maybe someone shoul've asked Rip when he got his memories back!

At least it's not Enterprise?

Just realized, isn't this a reunion between Teri and Mehcad Brookes as well, since he was ALSO on Desperate Housewives?

The best part is that the camera seems to have been repaired just fine.

I feel like we need to side eye everyone calling it the Racial Bechdel Test, since….it's actually called the Duvernay Test, and uh. Isn't it a bit weird to rename a test that requires two characters of color to talk about something other than a white person *after a white person* instead of the African-American woman

Especially since it's actually called the Duvernay Test.

It occurs to me that Lewis' husband is most certainly dead, even if he survived the virus. Japan has QUITE a number of reactors as I recall.

It looked pretty big but I guess we'll find out next season.

I mean if the other option is melty death…..

Pamela's shelter should be good for nukes, right?

Cybermen certainly don't play the piano.

A thing that should've been kept but was cut (but filmed) for the fact they were worried no one remembered who he was, Harry the roomate's gay and greypacking grandpa is former companion Harry Sullivan.