
Apparently Cisco gave all the security to team arrow.

This episode proved to me that Felicity is an idiot, and Oliver is also an idiot. At least half of the bad things that happened to them after the explosion are their own fault, and they'd have been rescued faster if they'd just sat still.

It makes me wonder if there's other names that are puns that I'm missing.

Sure thing!

I don't think we did. Nor did we know that the other woman with the leader-group is named Carey Gold. Which is ALSO an amazing pun. (Kerrygold is a brand of butter, and the writing room refers to the pair as "Guns and Butter")

Neither Cait nor this woman are bubbly, so…no?

Dudek is amazing.

….yeah, and Major's not.

….pretty sure Evil Barry Allen proves you wrong there, dude.

Maybe. They've said there's not a real Big Bad this season, though.

She doesn't even do the same things Caitlin does? there's no indication of that AT ALL.

And we already know Thinker's identity, thanks to abra kadabra. It's Clifford DaVoe.

We already know who next season's villain is, though. It's Thinker. AKA: Not a speedster.

So, since they're working with Fillmore Graves, why not tell them about the cure that's killing Major and see if this giant company with resources can help?

Well, I'd say since Tracy's a regular next season and the villain won't be a speedster, we're getting a status quo change actually.

Tracy is not seeing his real face, unless they explained the holoface to her between scenes.

…way to make light suicide and mental health, Neal.

Yeah, I feel like that was at least implied in their first episodes.

Tiger Lily is the worst…no, the second worst fairy. why would you ever tell a mother that her son is destined to be a great thing according to a prophecy? did you not think she'd LOOK?