
I guess they figured Norman didn't kill Chick, since he wasn't being charged with his death? I mean, I guess they'd be able to tell Chick died when Norman was in jail, right? But no follow up on that at all?

Lyndon Johnson's wife might not relish the idea of her nickname being called 'hippie'.

To be fair the only reason they called hm Music Meister was because of the future flash forward. That might not have even been who was being referred to, and he certainly did not call himself that.

Guess not!

There's a gag later in the season that seems to indicate (it's in the ep with the parade at the end) that these bots might not be the original bots. Like a lot of gags, it's not really followed up on.

There's an episode later in the season that seems to indicate that they might not be the original bots.


Ok? I was just going by what he said last month? But cool?

Never saw the guild, Dr Horrible is…okay. I'm talking more current era "in everything because she's Felicia Day" Felicia Day.

I think so too. and honestly, I didn't mind the storylines on scifi either. There were plotlines in CC era too, you just didn't have to see every episode to follow it.


Yes. So honestly, the Joel years vs Mike years thing is a little silly because honestly they were ALL Mike years except KTMA

Yes. As I've stated numerous times on this post. But Joel was not involved when MIKE was host.

It did indeed.

I don't know, I enjoyed Bobo and Brain Guy. But I dislike Felicia Day.


Ok. He is a liar.

As am I. And also Joel and his revisioning having asked the cast back

…no I didn't. Mike came on during Joel's time as host as head writer then became host.

Joel wasn't involved when Mike was host. And Cinematic Titanic is boring.