
He says he isn't.

I don't like Hired but love mst3k

Mike was also headwriter during the later and funnier Joel years. And rifftrax is hilarious

Way to change the narrative, Joel. Since most of the old cast said he never contacted them at all months ago and were a bit surprised.

They time skipped 2 years a few seadons ago actually

Heather Langenkamp has been on American Horror Story several times.

Not…really? Heather Langenkamp has been on American Horror Story several times.

Because boner was also a term for a goofoff.


I mean, it's a sitcom. All they have to do is say "wow, what a weird dream I had."

No, I kept expecting them to say that but no one ever did.

pretty sure he will be back.

The version of Mick we're left with didn't betray the team.

Magneto has silver balls that can kidnap mutants. Plus I feel like if the divisions had this they'd have used it before now.

The love between Dylan and Norman as brothers has always been this show's second love story, if you watch the scene where Dylan first sees him turn into mother and the episode where he takes care of a broken down Norman those are proof of that. I think this is the first indication we've ever gotten that Norman loves

But…she did have help from them. A ton of it.

I mean, maybe it is possible that the memory really is real, maybe Rick pulled a Cronenberg episode and switched universes more than once? Switched to a universe where his wife and daughter weren't dead, but then couldn't deal with it and drank himself into what we see now? It'd explain the 'pain' Birdman said he's

"Last thing he needs to return to the 64th century."

It was probably supposed to be Felicity. WHo I see is the worst vigilante.

The 64th Century, in fact!