
I think it's probably Kon-El, and something to do with Cadmus. Someone asked Kreisberg if it was superboy, and he did the whole "can't say, whistle whistle" thing

Those are all fair points, yes.


Not all foster homes are like that, and they clearly loved him because they had a photo of him.

….I actually didn't think of the dog.

Danny, even though he doesn't seem to believe that Ben is Adam (which he is not), at least seems to get that regardless the kid WAS traumatised and treats him accordingly. He never throws accusations at Ben himself.

Plus there the fact that she's tossing out a kid who she know knows who kidnapped and killed her brother.

It WAS, but in 2006 we were just starting on the paranoia train.

"When did Ben learn how to use the city bus? "

My thought is the burying was a deflect, and it's something else be buried.

Even if a normal kidnapping victim wouldn't have protection, which is debatable, his mother is the MAYOR. He should have a bodyguard.

You'd think they WOULD do something with Zach, since he was the first actor even cast.

The murder of a man she thought had kidnapped and assaulted Adam Warren and probably did hurt the other little boy. I doubt anyone is exactly crying about his death.

Unlikely, since Adam would be at least 19 when he died (he was 9 when he was kidnapped, Ben's probably a year or so older. He's probably 19 or 20.


She did, yes. The breathiness is new, and she didn't do that on House or How I met your mother.

She sounds like she is in dire need of an albuterol inhaler.


I mean, even the movie made you feel bad for Norman

Its interesting to me that clearly Norman WANTS to get better, which seems to tie it more to the films again. In Psycho II, Norman WANTED to be better, to be whole and people actively tried to make him crazy again.