
No doubt inspired by a Columbia House Garbage tape.

No doubt inspired by a Columbia House Garbage tape.

it boggles me so much that Harvey Dent is credited as a main character, but I think I can count on half a hand how many times he's even been in the show this season.

Ok, but he's been on the news.

yes, I know that, but I was talking about this show.

The only other thing I can think of is that they're aware he's there, but if thats true, wtf is going on.

Even if she's not fired, at the very least someone else has to get this case NOW, right?

That said, they've established he has a husband, so they can't exactly wave off his 'disappearance' at the station.

I think a better question is, where are the people who live in this house that they don't notice someone entering it late at night, a dog freaking out and some kid sleeping in the bay window.

I think that was Ted Bundy, I don't see anything like that in the transcripts.

Right? What the hell, Jennifer Morrison?

There's also a hat, reviewer, and a pocketwatch.

That was Anna Camp, but yes.

I actually thought her sister was supposed to be back this season. Hadn't there been a promo photo of tht?

Maybe it's Mimi.

I don't think he called himself anything on screen, but it fits with his odd pattern of talking.

"I wasn't running from Durnsville. I had just gotten into a fight with my mom about a super-short mini skirt she wanted to wear to my recital. I was running away from her."

My assumption was that Dorothy was also who they intended to hook Ruby up with, since they spoke about bringing Dorothy in for a plot with Ruby at the end of season four, plus the fact that Terri and the girl who plays Ruby are more available for guest roles than Jamie Chung, who is currently filming a movie. Plus,

They didn't HAVE to share True Love's Kiss in those episodes, because none of them were in sleeping curses. We knew that Robin and Regina were True Love before the first time they kissed, indeed before they even MET as Tink told Regina so. So again, why should it be different for Dorothy and Ruby?

If we accept that in W13 a female HG had a brother (or that HG wells had a sister beyond the one who died at age 9), we have to accept any other fictional scenario, including the one presented by Legends of Tomorrow