
"We see how Cora came back from Wonderland, but if Dad Henry is trapped in a tiny box with Cora in the magic mirror, how does Regina eventually rip out his (normal-sized) heart and kill him?" …dude, have you not like…seen this show before? We saw this in season ONE. Regina tricked Jefferson into helping her 'get

Nevermind, a comment I didn't see got lost.

Because whoever created the Dark Curse based the location created by the dark curse off of the Underworld. They…said this.

Yeah, it wsn't pointless at all. He said he was trying to warn her not to go.

His lair also seems to have portals to different realms.

1) The blue fairy is watching Neal and Baby Hood, they said so at the end of last episode. 2) Greg Hermann is, AS REPORTED BY THIS SITE, playing Hades from the Disney Hercules movie. That's why his hair is cgi blue.

I'm hoping that Phil, who was smart enough to put Tucson signs EVERYWHERE, also put Tampa signs everywhere.

Hey, now we know what happened to all the bodies.

His official name is apparently Scare Bear, which is just…the best.

Because they're humans?


That is a GOOD question.

I mean.

Could be!

Yes. He'd switched to a company with poor safety records for budget reasons, and when Derek found out it's why they sued the hospital instead of the insurance company. Its kind of why they own the hospital.

And his Time Ghost Dad.

Why should he have?

I imagine we're going to find out.

well, to be fair the ship they were in wasn't theirs. It was another time ship they'd JUST stolen.

There's no reason to change this.