
She got back together with Oliver right after coming back to Starling City. She's probably bisexual.

Maybe, maybe not. In any case, season 2 might have a different set of 'Legends'.

…what explaining?

It's the CW.
So probably?

I kept looking for Benton Fraser of the royal canadian mounted time police who first came to the time vortex on the trail of the killers of his father, and for reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture he has remained, attached as liaison with the time pirates.

He bought it at ikea.

The Vanishing Point, the time masters base of operations, is located at the end of time for probably obvious reasons. I believe the time masters themselves can be pulled from anywhere or when.

Time Pirates is direct from the comics. Are they expected to change that and have fanboys freak out?

TIME pirates.

Well, she'd definitely lived if Meredith hadn't made a big deal of waiting in the first place and had just let Riggs take her to the OR.

The pressure thing also reminded me of Lexie and Seth Green's episode.

Owen, "He put her on a plane and she vanished" is a dumb grudge especially since uh. hi. You put a bunch of people on a plane several seasons ago and it CRASHED. Because you cut corners.

Owen generally likes to hold grudges for things he shouldn't. And his sister is probably a POW.

I was going to make a joke about how 'not unless banging lots of ladies is a superpower', but then I remembered that was Billy Baldwin's role.


Maybe, but Stringer has interactions with Legion.

They didn't.

I mean, I'd assume they mean Amy Stringer.

No, not unless the people in Flatliners came back from the dead with superpowers.

Yeah, the internet seems to enjoy calling everything a 'reboot' lately that isn't, from spinoffs of tv shows to remakes of old movies.