
They're newer in when they APPEARED, but Rip has mentioned then since his incarnation.

They never state where he is from. Pointedly, because someone is trying to kill him and would go to his place of birth and do that.


I can see it.

…how was it even remotely promoted as a Doctor Who rip off? In what episode does the Doctor take the TARDIS and try to go murder Hitler?

It's…not a Doctor Who rip off. This plot has been in the comics since 1959. Predating Doctor Who.

Because Amell had other commitments: The X Files, etc.

The time masters are indeed from the comics and pre-date Doctor Who.

I hate to tell you, but Rip Hunter and the Time Masters actually existed before Doctor Who and the Time Lords. 5 years before, actually.

I'm really unclear: why was Cold stealing diapers?

The only word we have that they have to worry is from Angela, though. Whoever it is, in the book "Save the Cheerleader, Destroy the World", he didn't seem like he was supposed to be a bad guy.

I laughed SO hard at that.

Well that's true! Though I guess it can't be Claude. Since…he argued with Claude. OR Peter because gross.

Taylor's baby is an evo.

No, it was some amnesiac evo who called himself "Hammer". But they never identified who Hammer WAS or even described him. Here's the info, I gues….spoilers?

Lol yeah his family that it turns out had dumped his ass.

Doesn't Matt need at least face to face contact for his power to work? How the hell did it work to record his voice on a tape.

He's one of the bad guys this season.

I think he probably just merged with himself. Which…must be really confusing, memorywise.

Mmm delicious.