
I'm guessing MANY. I'm sure Peter was supposed to be someone, though idk who. Casper, maybe?

He probably boiled. I'll say this, The image of all those ponds boiling was TERRIFYING.

…yeah, why didn't they use Quentin?

Well, if nothing else, Heroes Reborn gave us a weird cgi bipedal cat with steampunk glasses.

Or they will go after villains we haven't seen before.

That would be an insanely long headline.

Well, there's no real surprise factor watching Psycho in this day and age anyway, unfortunately. Thanks to global spoilers, we all know the twists unless we're INSANELY lucky and somehow managed to avoid anyone who's ever seen Psycho.

That could be possible, yeah. I typed my statement before seeing the promo also, and I see that harry is talking about how "this is how he meets you ORIGIN STORY" so I guess it could also be a past version of Reverse Flash.

What I think IS likely to happen, or at least possible, is that the final season will be an adaptation of the film. Though, i imagine from Norman's POV instead of starting with the secretary stealing money.

It's a two part pilot, yes.

Of…course they'll catch Savage. Then season 2 will be a newer bigger villain. you know. Like in Flash and Arrow and every other super hero show.

Actually, it…is a followup. It wasn't ORIGINALLY, that much is true. Pre-screenings before reshoots have told us that. However, they used reshoots to *make* it one. So now it is.

She's not a manifestation of Norman's craziness outside of the hallucinations.

The movie is called 10 Cloverfield Lane. Obviously it would say Cloverfield.

I find it so boggling how many people I've seen go "How can Reverse Flash be here he died" and theories on how he survived dying. On a show where for the past half a season the plot was "hey look at all these people from an alternate earth".

They don't have to go without her, even if they kill Norma off. She also plays Norman's Hallucination of Norma-as-Crazy.

Well, they'd…need to recast Norman, then. Since Norman in the novel was almost 40.

…did they say it was?

Well, she was a PR after all.

That would just be a western.